My longing for truth was a single prayer.

A prayer less soul is a Christ less soul.

I cannot neglect prayer for a single day.

Prayer is in all things, in all gestures.

A coward cannot have any prayer answered.

To saints their very slumber is a prayer.

All great art is a visual form of prayer.

Lord, make me a blessing to someone today

A prayer makes sense only if it is lived.

True prayer is not a prelude to inaction.

Prayer is the breath of the new creature.

To pray well is the better half of study.

You cannot petition the lord with prayer!

I believe in prayer and in strong belief.

We must empty purgatory with our prayers.

The prayer that is faithless is fruitless.

Were in prayer, as indeed you ought to be.

Prayer moves the arm that moves the world.

Prayer is not an exercise, it is the life.

Souls of prayer are souls of great silence

And when you can't do nothing else - pray.

Christ never preached any funeral sermons.

A good prayer is master of anothers purse.

The Psalter is the great school of prayer.

Invoke often! Inflame thyself with prayer!

Worrying is one of my few forms of prayer.

The best weapons of a Jew are his prayers.

The #1 key to spiritual warfare is prayer.

Prayer does not change God; it changes me.

Courage is fear that has said its prayers.

Habits of prayer need careful cultivation.

One good deed is worth a thousand prayers.

When fear replaces faith, remember prayer.

I can say the Lord's prayer in 10 seconds.

I am walking proof of the power of prayer.

Reading is the last act of secular prayer.

Fervent prayers produce phenomenal results.

Prayer, study, and suffering make a pastor.

Why do you pray if you doubt you are heard?

The secret of praying is praying in secret.

Pray, for all men need the aid of the gods.

The first purpose of prayer is to know God.

Train. Say your prayers. Eat your vitamins.

Live as if your prayers are to be answered.

No one can pray and worry at the same time.

The fewer the words, the better the prayer.

I am in prayer for his kids and the family.

Feeding the birds is also a form of prayer.

Each day begins with a prayer of thank you.

Prayer is first and foremost an act of love

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