Prayer is the passport to peace.

To pray well one must pray much.

Real prayer is communion with God

The Rosary is my favorite prayer.

We can do nothing without prayer.

Thank God for unanswered prayers.

True prayer is a lonely business.

The enemy just hates our prayers.

Abiding fully means praying much.

Prayer is the oxygen of the soul.

The prayer of Ajax was for light.

To be present is to be prayerful.

Whole prayer is nothing but love.

Prayer is happy company with God.

you can't beat me and my prayers!

Good work instead of long prayers.

Prayer TV looks like pay TV to me.

Fear drives the wretched to prayer

Pray as you can, not as you can't.

My greatest weapon is mute prayer.

The love ofChrist is my prayer-book

Prayer is an attitude of the heart.

Poetry and prayer are very similar.

Prayer succeeds when all else fails

Complaint is a prayer to the devil.

The beginning of prayer is silence.

Prayer begins where our power ends.

Prayer is the thermometer of grace.

We cannot pray and remain the same.

When revelation comes write it down.

God answered the prayers of animals.

Life is fragile, handle with prayer.

Pray for powers equal to your tasks.

The key to prayer is simply praying.

I do believe in the power of prayer.

Prayer is faith passing into action.

Prayer means dependence on the Lord.

We wake, if ever at all, to mystery.

Doubtful prayer is no prayer at all.

Prayer is the acid test of devotion.

Go where your best prayers take you.

Complaints are prayers to the devil.

Prayer is the instrument of miracles.

Our prayers are the shadows of mercy.

Prayer is - keeping company with God.

Prayer is a path where there is none.

Time spent in prayer is never wasted.

Attentiveness is the heart of prayer.

Her eyes are homes of silent prayers.

Sympathy is no substitute for action.

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