Bad company is as instructive as licentiousness. One makes up for the ...

Bad company is as instructive as licentiousness. One makes up for the loss of one's innocence with the loss of one's prejudices.

Prejudice is ignorance.

Obstinate, headstrong girl!

Prejudice is always dangerous.

Acquaintance softens prejudice.

Consider data without prejudice.

Beauty is a delightful prejudice.

No man can see his own prejudices.

Prejudice marks a mental landmine.

Prejudice is the child of ignorance.

Free speech is a bourgeois prejudice.

Till this moment I never knew myself.

Good managers have a bias for action.

Trade is the best cure for prejudice.

REASON, n. Propensitate of prejudice.

We neither of us perform to strangers.

Prejudice is the twin of illiberality.

Criticism is prejudice made plausible.

Truth is too weak to combat prejudice.

Prejudice has no hold in this Republic.

Ignorance is the wet-nurse of prejudice.

To lose your prejudices you must travel.

We can't abolish prejudice through laws.

Prejudices are what fools use for reason.

I refuse to allow prejudice to defeat me.

We must take the profit out of prejudice.

Prejudice is an opinion without judgment.

Prejudices are the props of civilization.

The best antidote to prejudice is reality.

Heightism is the last unchecked prejudice.

My good opinion once lost is lost forever.

Prejudices are what rule the vulgar crowd.

The stain of prejudice is often indelible.

The great obstacle to progress is prejudice

He hears but half who hears one party only.

One word from you shall silence me forever.

Pride of race is the antidote to prejudice.

Those who do not complain are never pitied.

I have no prejudice against male or female.

Taiwan is an independent, sovereign country.

Ignorance is stubborn and prejudice is hard.

Ignorance is stubborn and prejudice is hard.

I don't like principles. I prefer prejudices.

It is harder to crack prejudice than an atom.

Prejudice will fall in a combat with interest.

The air is the only place free from prejudice.

Certain names always awake certain prejudices.

Ignorance and prejudice make for bad advisers.

I have great confidence in Taiwan's democracy.

Give me a prejudice and I will move the world.

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