The private sector is doing fine.

I built private sector jobs all my life.

Prosperity comes from the private sector.

Raising taxes won't create private sector jobs.

I ALWAYS intended to return to the private sector.

Sustainable jobs are created by the private sector.

Future prosperity will be built on private sector growth.

I would like to go back to the private sector at some point.

In the private sector, you have a budget and you stick to it.

As you know, I spent 30 years of my life in the private sector.

Some things are too important to be left to the private sector.

Small businesses create half of the jobs in the private sector.

We need to grow the private sector in every corner of New Mexico.

The way to create jobs is to encourage private sector job creators.

It would be wise for the U.S. private sector to stay away from Iran.

Anything that the private sector can do, the government can do it worse.

Most people work for the private sector, which cannot exist without profit.

We feel that the government should not interfere too much in private sector.

Much of the real computer talent today is concentrated in the private sector.

I am counting on the private sector, because it is crucial to Senegal's future.

I've got cabinet experience, military experience, and private sector experience.

Private sector cannot substitute the role of the government in primary education.

I can be happy in the private sector, the non-profit sector, or the public sector.

Mitt Romney has a proven job creation record as governor and in the private sector.

Innovation means taking risks, and that is where the private sector can play a role.

We want the private sector to be able to invest. The private sector works quite well.

I'm a liberal, but I think there's so much that the private sector can do and does do.

I worked my way up in the private sector and implemented Georgia's tough voter ID law.

You cannot have development in today's world without partnering with the private sector.

Medicare provided guaranteed equal coverage, something that the private sector could not

Mitt Romney turned businesses around in the private sector. He saved the Winter Olympics.

Medicare provided guaranteed equal coverage, something that the private sector could not.

I think there's not much patience for organized labour, period, public or private sector.

Most of our funding goes to organizations and is then used to leverage the private sector.

America's private sector job creators need elected leaders to lead and get out of the way.

We need new technology to fight climate change and that will come from the private sector.

Constituent services for Hoosiers are like customer service was to me in the private sector.

The private sector is motivated by profit and efficiency and the US government often is not.

We cannot just rely on the public sector or the private sector. We all need to work together.

I experienced what can never be duplicated in the private sector - the communal aspect of VA.

Anything that strengthens the private sector vs. the state is protective of personal freedom.

When public and private sectors combine intellectual and other resources, more can be achieved

It's so sad to see how few people in the Obama administration have any private sector experience.

I am not someone who tends to advocate for increased government involvement in the private sector.

We need to make investment to get the economy going again, to give the private sector the confidence.

Overly restrictive regulations not only stifle the private sector; they also ultimately hurt consumers.

Obama is from this group that resents the private sector, resents the capitalistic means of production.

I thought the Bush economic policy was a disaster. We lost 500,000 private sector jobs during his tenure.

I responded that we needed a private sector to improve the market situation and make peoples lives easier.

SpaceX has reopened the cosmos, and the space race is back on, only this time it is in the private sector.

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