If you keep saying things are going to be bad, you have a good chance ...

If you keep saying things are going to be bad, you have a good chance of being a prophet.

I am not a prophet.

Our prayers are prophets.

Jesters do oft prove prophets.

And men my prophet wail deride!

Jesters do often prove prophets.

Common sense is the best prophet.

Only the prophets see the obvious.

The well-adjusted make poor prophets.

Death makes a prophet's voice louder.

Following the prophet is always right!

To know the pain of too much tenderness

In doubt, fear is the worst of prophets.

There is no God and we are his prophets.

We are all at times unconscious prophets.

Attitude ... is the prophet of your future.

The best prophet of the future is the past.

I am no prophet-and here's no great matter.

The historian is a prophet looking backward.

God does not exist and Dirac is His prophet.

It does not pay a prophet to be too specific.

Nobody can force you, not even the holy prophets.

The Prophet Joseph Smith lived in troubled times.

The best prophet is common sense, our native wit.

The LORD has raised up prophets for us in Babylon.

In the end, every hypochondriac is his own prophet.

'A Prophet' is one of my favorite films of all time.

We need more prophets in our pulpits and less puppets

Music is the art of the prophets and the gift of God.

Popularity has killed more prophets than persecution.

I am not a prophet; I cannot predict what will happen.

Accumulate, accumulate! This is Moses and the Prophets!

Allah isgreat, no doubt, and Juxtaposition his prophet.

Thanks to 'A Prophet,' I'm known in a lot of countries.

Historians are prophets with their face turned backward.

I never wanted to be a prophet or a saviour. Elvis maybe

The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals.

I shall always consider the best guesser the best prophet.

Dream manfully and nobly, and thy dreams shall be prophets.

You cannot honour the prophet by dishonouring his teaching.

Always predict the worst, and you'll be hailed as a prophet.

The real 19th century prophet was Dostoevsky, not Karl Marx.

Money is the god of our time, and Rothschild is his prophet.

The best Qualification of a Prophet is to have a good Memory.

The best Qualification of a Prophet is to have a good Memory.

Christ certainly did come to destroy the law and the prophets.

I was reading 'The Prophet' on my own when I was 10 years old.

I am convinced the prophets of doom have to be taken seriously.

Prophet Mohammed would have no objection to The Satanic Verses.

A day of minor profit or prophet led to a night of drunkenness.

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