What has destroyed every previous civilization has been the tendency to the unequal distribution of wealth and power.

A rich, robust, well-resourced public education is one of the best routes out of poverty and a pathway to prosperity.

See how the Fates their gifts allot, For A is happy-B is not. Yet B is worthy, I dare say, Of more prosperity than A.

Better and sweeter than health, or friends, or money, or fame, or ease, or prosperity, is the adorable will of our God.

So-called "progressives" actively wage war on progress. . . . Ultimately, progressives are at war with mass prosperity.

We have to surmount the difficulties that face us and work steadfastly for the happiness and prosperity of our country.

There should be a Transatlantic renaissance between the US and Europe based on shared prosperity, security, and values.

In a State, pecuniary gain is not to be considered to be prosperity, but its prosperity will be found in righteousness.

Arresting development, attacking science, and glorifying poverty is not the answer to the vices that attend prosperity.

I cannot believe there is caste system in society; I cannot believe people are judged on the basis of their prosperity.

Mankind has become so much one family that we cannot insure our own prosperity except by insuring that of everyone else.

Too many Mainers are dependent on government handouts. Government dependency has not - and never will - create prosperity.

The freedoms and prosperity we enjoy in America are thanks to the brave men and women who have served in our armed forces.

If you know how rich you are, you are not rich. But me, I am not aware of the extent of my wealth. That's how rich we are.

We need dynamic and thriving businesses and a skilled and adaptable labour force to produce competitiveness and prosperity.

Great economies and great nations, prosperity, and abundance of nations and communities are created by men and not spirits.

Your prosperity consciousness is not dependent on money; your flow of money is dependent upon your prosperity consciousness.

People acting in their own self-interest is the fuel for all the discovery, innovation, and prosperity that powers the world.

It is every Indian's dream that J&K is happy & there is prosperity. We have to work for this, be it in power or not in power.

I have always maintained that the one important phenomenon presented by modern society is - the enormous prosperity of Fools.

The United States enjoy a scene of prosperity and tranquility under the new government that could hardly have been hoped for.

Anyone who wants to sell you overnight success or wealth is not interested in your success; they are interested in your money.

The moderation of people in prosperity is the effect of a smooth and composed temper, owing to the calm of their good fortune.

The Japanese Co-Prosperity Zone began as a racist utopia and ended as a cross between an abbatoir, a plantation and a brothel.

Happiness and Prosperity are now within our Reach; but to attain and preserve them must depend upon our own Wisdom and Virtue.

What is called virtue in the common sense of the word has nothing to do with this or that man's prosperity, or even happiness.

If we are strategic, if we are smart, Australia can power our future prosperity with solar, wind, geothermal, and tidal energy.

It's God's will for you to live in prosperity instead of poverty. It's God's will for you to pay your bills and not be in debt.

My guiding principle is that prosperity can be shared. We can create wealth together. The global economy is not a zero-sum game.

Adversity is sometimes hard upon a man; but for one man who can stand prosperity, there are a hundred that will stand adversity.

Such prosperity as we have known it up to the present is the consequence of rapidly spending the planet's irreplaceable capital.

In adversity be spirited and firm, and with equal prudence lessen your sail when filled with a too fortunate gale of prosperity.

The more clear your vision of health, happiness and prosperity, the faster you move toward it and the faster it moves toward you.

I am dedicated to ensuring that the prosperity our city is experiencing extends to everyone who lives, works and visits Portland.

"Our prosperity, our friends, our bondage and even our destruction are all in the end rooted in our tongue," says a famous adage.

Prosperity has brought complications. Our lives are busier, faster, more stressful. They're nostalgic for a simpler, slower time.

Luck never built a business. Prosperity and growth come only to the business that systematically finds and exploits its potential.

The American free market system is the greatest engine for prosperity and opportunity that the world has ever seen. Freedom works.

To rejoice in another's prosperity is to give content to your lot; to mitigate another's grief is to alleviate or dispel your own.

For centuries, prosperity has been easy to define in material terms. At a personal level, by how much one earns; how much one has.

The long, dull, monotonous years of middle-aged prosperity or middle-aged adversity are excellent campaigning weather for the devil.

There is no knowledge and science like pondering and thought; and there is no prosperity and advancement like knowledge and science.

In this century, the 21st century, the U.S. recognizes our prosperity and our security depends even more on the Asia-Pacific region.

Should prosperity befall thee, rejoice not, and should abasement come upon thee, grieve not, for both shall pass away and be no more.

A nation is not made wealthy by the childish accumulation of shiny metals, but it enriched by the economic prosperity of it's people.

I'm an American. I'm for prosperity. I've discovered, from 40 years of reporting, that what creates prosperity is limited government.

Discover your uniqueness and learn to exploit it in the service of others, and you are guaranteed success, happiness, and prosperity.

He is truly a man who will not permit himself to be unduly elated when fortune's breeze is favorable, or cast down when it is adverse.

Prosperity is the measure or touchstone of virtue, for it is less difficult to bear misfortune than to remain uncorrupted by pleasure.

You can give to Americans for Prosperity or something else - a variety of different ways to push back against the party of government.

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