I hated being a public company CEO.

I enjoy not being a public company.

It's a special thing to be a public company.

I'm a CEO of a public company. You have to show decorum.

You can't be an entrepreneur and work in a public company anymore.

I always wanted to start a public company and make a lot of money.

Every public company depends to some extent on the trust of its investors.

I have never run a public company. I spent my entire life working for a private company.

Doing stuff that I don't have to talk about because I'm not in a public company is fantastic.

I wish we could be private with Tesla. It actually makes us less efficient to be a public company.

Venture capital is about capturing the value between the startup phase and the public company phase.

Fortunately we're not a public company - we're a private group of companies, and I can do what I want.

I don't think I'd enjoy running a public company. We haven't needed to go to the market to fund expansion.

Life at a public company ain't for me. The board pays you what you're worth, then you get reamed for your compensation.

Clearly as you move to being a public company, probably even more than growth, there is a huge value based on predictability.

Being a public company certainly doesn't stop you from taking a really long-term time horizon, but it does make it more difficult.

I met with several public company CEOs to learn about their experiences of going public and listened to as many earnings calls as I possibly could.

If you're going to run a public company, be absolutely certain of what the parameters are, what the clarity is, that you can explain it to yourselves and explain it externally.

As a serial entrepreneur, angel investor and public company CEO, nothing irks me more than when a startup founder talks about wanting to cash in with an initial public offering.

VMWare, as you know, remains a public company, and Secure Works is also a public company. And it's possible in the future that within the group, we could have other public companies.

My management style is one of inclusion, meaning we're all one team no matter if you're making an hourly wage at the fulfillment center floor, if you're a C-staffer from a public company.

The good parts about being a public company are increased discipline, increased execution and increased transparency to make sure that you are really building a company for a hundred years.

As an entrepreneur and public company CEO, I've dealt with dozens of rollouts, and when unveiling a new product, the operating approach should be, 'Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.'

It is much more convenient not to be a public company. As a private company you don't have to give information to the public. Secrecy is an important factor of success in the commodity business.

I wanted a CFO with public company experience; I needed an HR department, new office space, and a board which could help me grow the business. Insight, the private equity firm I chose, helped me with all that.

Today we're focused on small acquisitions to add technology where necessary. I think it's fair to say we're not out looking for a large one, but I think it's also very fair to say that as a public company you can never say never.

As the head of the public company, you can't say you can't sell, because then you're telling your shareholders that your own personal feelings about your assets are more important than their money. And they won't invest with you if you do that.

Being a public company is really terrible for most companies. I'd say Facebook and Google have done a pretty good job of standing up to the incredible quarterly pressure to hit numbers, but most companies - and I've observed a lot now - don't do a very good job of that.

The question was, in a sense, at Princeton Review, how much value was I adding as a public company CEO. I was adding less than other people might've... I think you want to move on when you've given your best work and then feel that you're not going to add as much value moving forward.

I'm on the Business Roundtable, the CEOs of the largest 100-odd companies in the country. Most of these people wanted very much to be the CEO of a large public company but realize that it's not exactly what they had anticipated, for lots of reasons. One is competition has gotten a lot worse, and more global.

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