A nation' s strength ultimately consists in what it can do on its ...

A nation' s strength ultimately consists in what it can do on its own, and not in what it can borrow from others.

The States are nations.

A Republic is its people.

Tortured for the Republic.

This country is a republic.

A banana republic we are not.

We are not a banana republic.

A Republic, if you can keep it.

The Republic of Texas is no more.

Virtue is necessary to a republic.

At twenty every one is republican.

The Republic will destroy terrorism.

Prejudice has no hold in this Republic.

This is America, not a banana republic.

Republic. I like the sound of the word.

Long live the Republic, long live France.

I'm a citizen of the republic of empathy.

I swear allegiance to the Republic of Sudan.

Luxury ruins republics; poverty, monarchies.

Tennis is a big thing in the Czech Republic.

Long live the Republic, and long live France.

Living in a republic demands a great deal of us.

The Republic will not be destroyed by terrorism.

The Dominican Republic is my holy land, my Mecca.

Republics exist only on tenure of being agitated.

Democracy, republics: What do these words signify?

We have a constitutional republic, not a democracy.

The Bible is the rock on which this Republic rests.

Citizenship consists in the service of the country.

In the republic of mediocrity, genius is dangerous.

We the People' are the prime movers of the Republic.

Republicanism and ignorance are in bitter antagonism.

Our Republic and its press will rise or fall together.

I don't see myself ever selling Republic or AutoNation.

The world is a republic of mediocrities, and always was.

Republics end through luxury; monarchies through poverty.

I was born in Brazzaville, the Republic of Congo, in 1989.

Free speech is one of the founding principles of our republic.

The most ethical administration in the history of the Republic.

Music is a more potent instrument than any other for education.

Toleration and liberty are the foundations of a great republic.

The less luxury there is in a republic, the more it is perfect.

The weapon of the Republic is terror, and virtue is its strength.

Large republics seem to be essentially and inherently aggressive.

I have considered the pension list of the republic a roll of honor.

I read Mitch Daniels's book, 'Keeping the Republic,' several times.

Republics come to an end by luxurious habits; monarchies by poverty.

The rule of law is a republic. The rule of one person is a monarchy.

Republics are brought to their ends by luxury; monarchies by poverty.

Meteors are not needed less than mountains: shine, perishing republic.

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