There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you ...

There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love; there's only scarcity of resolve to make it happen.

Resolve and thou art free.

There is no avoidance in delay.

A good resolve will make any port.

Wise to resolve, patient to perform.

Those who are unswerving have resolve

Give me your resolve. Believe in Yuna.

You may be whatever you resolve to be.

No man can resolve himself into Heaven.

Wise to resolve, and patient to perform.

Afterthought makes the first resolve a liar.

Be slow to resolve, but quick in performance.

Resolve to do one thing every day that you fear.

Resolve to be always beginning-to be a beginner!

Love resolves. Love. Love's deeper than the hurt.

I hereby resolve to kill every vampire in America.

His resolve is not to seem the bravest, but to be.

God has no resolve; no karma attaches itself to Him.

Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed.

keep fresh before me the moments of my high resolve.

A suppressed resolve will betray itself in the eyes.

Murder mysteries are puzzles that are fun to resolve.

No guns but only brotherhood can resolve the problems.

Take counsel in wine, but resolve afterwards in water.

Violence and arms can never resolve the problems of men.

Live a life of conspicuous grace and courageous resolve.

Let us resolve to do the best we can with what we've got.

Let us resolve to be happy regardless of our circumstance.

Those who resolve to conquer or die, are rarely conquered.

Families in real life don't tend to resolve things neatly.

Violence does not resolve. It always leads to more violence.

The disappearance of MH370 has tested our collective resolve.

He that resolves to mend hereafter, resolves not to mend now.

The resolve to diet is most easily summoned on a full stomach.

There's a clear example of resolve in this country to fight back.

While you cannot resolve what you are, at last you may be nothing.

I will not resign because my resignation will not resolve anything.

Every year, I resolve to take good care of myself and stay in shape.

To resolve problems through negotiation is a very childish approach.

Timorous minds are much more inclined to deliberate than to resolve.

You can't resolve a dilemma with all the very same mind that made it

Resolve never to quit, never to give up, no matter what the situation.

America leads - not with bluster, but with persistent, steady resolve.

Resolve to treat the things in your possession as belonging to others.

You must bring great resolve to your work. It's not all a bed of roses.

Resolve to be among the top 20% of salespeople who make 80% of the sales.

The causes of life's history [cannot] resolve the riddle of life's meaning.

It is more rewarding to resolve a conflict than to dissolve a relationship.

Pellegrini is always calm; if you have problems, he will try to resolve it.

Resolve to be thyself: and know that he who finds himself, loses his misery.

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