If the right guy pops the question, I'll say yes.

You can use a biography to examine political power, but only if you pick the right guy.

If a film is being made by an intelligent director, they're going to cast the right guy.

I think I was smart to marry him. I think that's my smartness, that I chose the right guy.

When I got married to Raja in 1999, I was 19; I was too young to understand that he was not the right guy for me.

When you play quarterback, you have to process information quickly, get the ball out of your hand to the right guy.

I used to pretend like I was 27 years old and about to get married and unsure if this was the right guy for me when I was 12.

A couple of my friends started having babies, and I thought, 'Maybe one day, with the right guy.' I have to find the guy first.

I need to find the right guy and the right family. The day I find something worth my while, I will get married and have kids, too.

I've given up looking for a boyfriend. That's not to say I won't be interested if the right guy comes along. But I'm not in a hurry.

If I found the right guy, I think I would get married. Maybe. I just feel like it's just a contract. Why sign any more contracts, really?

What the hell is a Republican? What the hell is a Democrat? I don't care. I've always urged people to make sure you vote for the right guy.

I love Jet Li, but he looks very Chinese, and his English is Chinese-accented. He wouldn't have been the right guy to play a Japanese-American.

A relationship takes time, and you really have to work hard at it. I'm devoted to my profession, but when I find the right guy, I'll work just as long and hard for him.

The first time I voted, I voted for Eugene McCarthy and I knew he wouldn't win, but it felt so great to vote for him, to vote for the right guy - the one who wanted peace.

I was very young when we got married and I don't know why it worked out like it did or how I was smart enough to know that this was the right guy, but somehow I got lucky.

I'm representing the single women out there, dating around, trying to find the right guy who respects you and appreciates you. Maybe I'll settle down somewhere. Gotta keep looking.

If I can put the right guy with the right mouthpiece in front of the right opponents, we can build a champion, but he doesn't really have to beat the best guys; we just have to give him the right matchups.

I think my game isn't very flashy, but the test of time for the position of quarterback is how fast can you get the ball out of your hands to the right guy? And I think I do that better than everyone else.

The character in 'Arya' was so close to my real life persona. The director saw me once and felt I was the right guy for the role because my body language was so flamboyant. In real life, too, I am very peppy and full of life.

Especially the young kids who don't have any guidance, just stuck on trying to be a tough guy or trying to be a gangster - there are different ways out there to better yourself. You just need the right guy out there to push you.

I can say pretty confidently that I am not the right guy to do a superhero movie, just because I was not a comic book kid. I don't know that mythology, and I don't have it ingrained in me in the way that a lot of these other directors do.

Gangnam is a territory in Seoul, Korea. I describe it as noble at the daytime and going crazy at the night time. I compare ladies to the territory. So - noble at the daytime, going crazy at the night time - and the lyric says I am the right guy for the lady who is like that.

I just don't feel like I've seen very many movies about 17-year-old girls where the question is not, 'Will she find the right guy' or 'Will he find her?' The question should be, 'Is she going to occupy her personhood?' Because I think we're very unused to seeing female characters, particularly young female characters, as people.

When I went to prom in the early 1990s, I seesawed between my wish to get asked by the right guy and ride in the cool kids' limousine with the burgeoning realization that I was gay. I had a fun night, but I was far from my authentic, assertive self that night. Prom felt mostly like a job I had to do to maintain my position in the social hierarchy.

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