Heaven is in a grain of sand.

We have ...drawn a line in the sand.

I can't swim, and I actually hate sand.

From a grain of sand in the Pearl comes.

The magic of property turns sand to gold.

The Word of God is ROCK. All else is sand.

We're ostriches and the whole world is sand.

What a rope of sand we are without a leader.

We love to race in the sand dunes in Glamis.

Death has shaken out the sands of thy glass.

You change or you hide your head in the sand.

God is everywhere, in the smallest grain of sand.

Faith is to the human what sand is to the ostrich.

A handful of sand is an anthology of the universe.

'Tusk' was clearly a line in the sand that I drew.

I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.

Putting our heads in the sand is not a wise strategy.

The sand murmurs that it wants to swallow everything.

Well, actually, I do the voiceover for Quentin Sands.

Life lasts but a few scratches of the claw in the sand.

Even Castles made of sand, fall into the sea, eventually.

I danced along a colored wind/ Dangled from a rope of sand

Nothing like the road to rub all the sand out of your soul.

Most Americans have their head in the sand about evolution.

I was sand, I was snow—written on, rewritten, smoothed over.

Fear is like the wilderland - Stepping stones or sinking sand

The real danger is a politics that buries its head in the sand.

I've always wanted to ride a sail barge and drive a sand skiff.

Movies are written in sand: applauded today, forgotten tomorrow.

I would like to bury all the hating eyes under the sand somewhere.

Our life is but a grain of sand in the indifferent ocean of infinity.

In this big ball of people, I'm just one grain of sand on this beach.

You throw the sand against the wind and the wind blows it back again.

Riding is my passion, but a very close second is sun, sand, and surf.

I will not be a common man. I will stir the smooth sands of monotony.

The passing of armies and the passing of sands in the desert are one.

And all around is the desert; a corner of the mournful kingdom of sand.

I don't believe it's all for nothing. It's not just written in the sand.

Time slips through our hands like grains of sand, never to return again.

Sand. Everywhere. In the bed, in the shower, all over the floor. Grrrrr.

Building a godly life on the sand of scriptural illiteracy is impossible.

I grew up with a big backyard that led to the sand dunes of Lake Michigan.

Moonflowers blossom in the sand hills before dawn, just as I followed him.

On the tawny sands and shelves trip the pert fairies and the dapper elves.

We all have hourglass figures; your sand just settles in different places.

What we know is to what we do not know, as a grain of sand is to the beach.

I have loved you woman as surely as I have named you rust and sand and nylon.

Elaboration is not beauty, and sand-paper never finished a piece of bad work.

Skiing sand in midday sun was impossible - the sand becomes hot and abrasive.

Until they put that sand and dirt in my face I will not sit in church all day.

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