Sanity is a cozy lie.

Sanity is a compromise.

I want to keep my sanity.

Sanity is not statistical.

I've had to find my sanity.

Worse than madness. Sanity.

Art is a guarantee of sanity.

Where sanity is there God is.

Sanity - a trick of agreement

Chemotherapy tests your sanity.

Sanity’s a virginity of the mind

Doubt tempers belief with sanity.

Sanity is madness put to good use.

I don't really trust a sane person.

All I want to be is normally insane.

Collective madness is called sanity.

Despite my vanity, I fear for my sanity.

No temporary chaos is worth your sanity.

He who can simulate sanity will be sane.

Here lies a nuisance dedicated to sanity.

Don't worry. You're just as sane as I am.

Sanity is permanent, neurosis is temporary.

I maintain my sanity by keeping my distance.

And when reality goes, sanity has no reason.

Sanity calms, but madness is more interesting.

Every great genius has an admixture of madness.

A sense of humor is the main measure of sanity.

Sanity brings pain but madness is a vile thing.

Sanity is all that stands between good and evil.

My crazy's working a lot better than your sanity.

Psychopathy might lurk behind the mask of sanity.

I hope for peace and sanity - it's the same thing.

In an insane world, sanity made very little sense.

they worry about my sanity i join with them on that

Yet, mad am I not — and very surely do I not dream.

Sanity is an illusion caused by alcohol deficiency.

Just stopping, is a radical act of sanity and love.

We`re going to put sanity back into the White House.

Sanity is to be found in accurate honesty to oneself.

There's a big difference between sanity and insanity. sanity threatened to take a holiday without me.

The madman who knows that he is mad is close to sanity.

Sanity returns (in most cases) when the book is closed.

You've got to have a sense of humor to keep your sanity.

I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.

What is sanity, after all, except the control of madness?

Sanity ... is the most profound moral option of our time.

Humor hardens the heart, at least to the point of sanity.

There is no scarier chasm of darkness than the human mind.

Don't be afraid to tread new ground, but do a sanity test.

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