Civilization is only savagery silver-gilt.

Religion is the last refuge of human savagery.

Yeah, I like going away for camp. It brings out the savagery.

The savagery and power of Edith Wharton's ghost stories surprised me.

It could be argued that every age gets the comfort savagery writer it deserves.

There are various kinds of savagery: emotional, spiritual, economic, and cultural savagery.

The more I see of what you call civilization, the more highly I think of what you call savagery!

Humankind seems to have an enormous capacity for savagery, for brutality, for lack of empathy, for lack of compassion.

The north-west coast of America is that mixture of beauty and savagery, which I felt was very similar to the Dorset coast.

No system of religion should go in partnership with barbarism. Neither should any Christian feel it his duty to defend the savagery of the past.

We always thought the living Earth was a thing of beauty. It isn’t. Life has had to learn to defend itself against the planet’s random geological savagery.

Taking them out of the picture, so to speak, what football really is, the savagery, the core root of football, it doesn't change. It really puts the real in football.

Germany has reduced savagery to a science, and this great war for the victorious peace of justice must go on until the German cancer is cut clean out of the world body.

There was an age, however, when the transition from savagery to civilization, with all its impressive outward manifestations in art and architecture, took place for the first time.

Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 in the attacks and prepared for war; liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers.

The danger to society is not merely that it should believe wrong things, though that is great enough; but that it should become credulous, and lose the habit of testing things and inquiring into them; for then it must sink back into savagery.

At the beginning of June 1944, the war was reaching a climax. German troops had been brutalised by the savagery of the ongoing fighting in Russia, where the Red Army was secretly preparing its vast encirclement of the Germans' Army Group Centre.

Nick spent his first years on walks in his stroller and Snugli, playing in Berkeley parks and baby gyms and visiting zoos and aquariums. His mother and I divorced when he was 4. No child benefits from the bitterness and savagery of a divorce like ours.

The English may love gardening and fishing, but they have never struck me as being close to nature. Their way of expression is 'the hollyhocks are awfully good' sort of thing, all done in very good taste. The savagery of nature is something they don't dwell upon.

The beautifully composed imagery of '12 Years a Slave' underscores the savagery of its subject, which is an American South not of knights and ladies but obscene values and a grotesque pageantry, every gorgeous shot of the languid landscape radiating toxicity like a hyperlush blossom that's poison to the touch.

In my opinion, Hollywood doesn't know the context. Hollywood sees a David and Goliath story with Israel being cast in the role of Goliath, as the evil aggressor. The Palestinians are simply innocent reactors to whatever Israelis are throwing at them. And everything - like their economic situation - excuses the savagery.

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