Only sinners need saviors.

Science is the only savior.

Rap music was a savior to me.

Running has been almost my savior.

I'm no savior, and I'm no Robin Hood.

Lay the burden at the feet of the Savior.

You are saved - seek to be like your Savior.

Do yourself a favor, become your own savior.

I am a great Sinner and God is a great Savior

The saviors of the world, society's last hope.

We are great sinners; Jesus is a greater Savior!

The Savior knows what it's like to die of cancer.

A zealous Savior ought to have zealous disciples.

I can't be a savior. But I can be the best I can be.

The gospel tells that our Judge has become our Savior.

Can we follow the Savior far, who have no wound or scar?

Though our Savior's passion is over, his compassion is not.

When the Savior Himself was born, there were troubled times.

If the Savior could die for the world, can't we work for it?

I had a brother who was my savior, made my childhood bearable.

If The Savior Stood Beside Me, Would I Wear the Things I Wear?

I am neither a rabbit nor a savior. I am simply Roberto Baggio.

For every one look at your sins, take five looks at your Savior.

The workers are the saviors of society, the redeemers of the race.

I don't think we see ourselves as the savior of the music industry.

We can thrive and bloom if we are rooted in our love of the Savior.

God wants you to find your way back to Him, and the Savior is the way.

To rule children by force is the technique of Satan, not of the Savior.

I kind of like the position of being the fair-haired savior of my mother

I kind of like the position of being the fair-haired savior of my mother.

Too many think lightly of sin, and therefore think lightly of the Savior.

Our enemy is by tradition our savior, in preventing us from superficiality.

I have a faith that's unbendable as far as my Lord and Savior is concerned.

Grace is the understanding that God is a better savior than you are a sinner.

You cannot have Christ for your Savior unless you also have Him as your Lord.

Saving faith is resting faith, the trust which relies entirely on the Savior.

You're never so bad you can't have a Savior, no matter how much you've sinned.

I guess, first and foremost, I'd like to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

It is a great comfort to know that our judge will be none other than our savior.

We dishonor God if we proclaim a Savior who satisfies and then go around discontent

We do not follow a health and wealth savior. We follow a homeless and wounded Savior.

The events and prophecies of our time are preparing us for the Savior's Second Coming.

When we offer succor to anyone, the Savior feels it as if we reached out to succor Him.

It's not my aim to be this, like, 'savior for females.' I just want to make good music.

You love to listen to the very same things that nailed your supposed Savior to the tree?

Embrace the Savior's warm invitation to come unto Him, one by one, and be perfected in Him.

You will never see the preciousness of a Savior, if you do not see the reality of your sin.

I am a Christian. I know I am a Christian, knowing that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.

If you see yourself as a "little sinner" you will inevitably see Jesus as a "little savior".

My #1 driving force is my lord and savior Jesus Christ. Also my family, my wife and children.

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