I was not a jock in high school. I know, you're shocked.

I know how to waltz because I used to teach ballroom dancing when I was in high school.

I got to know Peyton Manning when he was a high school junior and I was the offensive coordinator at Mississippi State.

II know very, very little about the ukulele, but I actually grew up playing the viola from 4th grade through high school.

When I went to high school, in the late 1970s, disco was in full swing and anyone who was into it dressed the part. I know I did.

Coaches who want to coach in the NFL usually don't go to the high school level for 10 years. They know where they want to go early.

I acted in junior high in the junior high school group, and then when I got into senior high I was, you know, the main actor of the senior high school.

You know, in the 1970's, when I was in high school, I belonged to a band called the Happy Funk Band. Until an unfortunate typo caused us to be expelled from school.

In high school, AAU, even prep school, I didn't really know how to play basketball. It was kind of like, 'Let's throw the balls out, go get buckets, just score, and go play.'

I finished my junior year of high school and flew out to Los Angeles. I didn't know the difference between a manager and an agent. But I got here and just started hustling and meeting anyone I could.

When I got into high school, I got really into basketball. I had this itch that I wanted to just move. I didn't know what I wanted to do, but I knew that if basketball became a scholarship or something, it would be a means to that. It turned out I couldn't jump that high.

I ended up landing in London out of high school, and I saw a performance that Vanessa Redgrave gave, just because it was a cheap ticket, and I didn't know what to do with my afternoon, and I went in, and I saw this Eugene O'Neill play, and I sat in the fifth row, and I watched her.

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