Every man over forty is a scoundrel.

Every man over forty is a scoundrel.

Arlen Specter is a scoundrel.

No great scoundrel is ever uninteresting.

Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.

A technical objection is the first refuge of a scoundrel.

What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork to my lunch?

Whoever thinks of going to bed before twelve o'clock is a scoundrel.

No scoundrel is so stupid as to not find a reason for his vile conduct.

I've looked that old scoundrel death in the eye many times but this time I think he has me on the ropes.

If Heaven had looked upon riches to be a valuable thing, it would not have given them to such a scoundrel.

Golf is a game with morals. There's always an opportunity to be a scoundrel. That's why it's a gentleman's game.

There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel.

I don't know what a scoundrel is like, but I know what a respectable man is like, and it's enough to make one's flesh creep.

I'm an advocate of the great Dr. Johnson, the English man of letters who said that patriotism was the last refuge of the scoundrel.

If you are strong and fighting the weak, then if you kill your opponent then you are a scoundrel... if you let him kill you, then you are an idiot.

I always knew in my heart Walt Whitman's mind to be more like my own than any other man's living. As he is a very great scoundrel this is not a pleasant confession.

He who would do good to another must do it in Minute Particulars: general Good is the plea of the scoundrel, hypocrite, and flatterer, for Art and Science cannot exist but in minutely organized Particulars.

A child who does not think about what happens around him and is content with living without wondering whether he lives honestly is like a man who lives from a scoundrel's work and is on the road to being a scoundrel.

Can a great artist be mean-spirited, grasping, harsh to his family, violent in his emotions, vindictive in his hatreds, an all-purpose scoundrel? If our test cases are the likes of Wagner, Picasso, and, let me say, Dickens, the answer is a resounding yes.

Sometimes you say things with a smile with the precise intention of making it clear that you are not being serious, and are only kidding. If I salute a friend with a smile and say, 'How are you, you old scoundrel!' clearly I don't really mean he's a scoundrel.

My father was short for a man, with a child's plaything for a name - Spinner. He had flawless dark brown skin and a head full of big, wet-looking curls, black as oil. And he had the smile of a scoundrel - the kind of smile that disarmed men and undressed women.

I'd never painted anything before. I was quite content to take other people's work since I didn't care anyway about the subject matter. I approached subject matter as a scoundrel. I had nothing to say about it whatsoever. I only wanted to make these exciting paintings.

If you are strong and fighting the weak, then if you kill your opponent, then you are a scoundrel... if you let him kill you, then you are an idiot. So here is a dilemma which others have suffered before us, and for which as far as I can see, there is simply no escape.

How did females become 'guys?' How did everyone become 'guys?' Remember, too, that a male guy was something of a scoundrel. And a wise guy was a fresh kid, a whippersnapper. In its most other famous evocation, men in Brooklyn said 'youse guys.' Damon Runyon referred to hustlers, gamblers, and other nefarious types as guys.

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