Self-defence is Nature's eldest law.

Lying is the most simple form of self-defence.

Humour has always been a self-defence mechanism for me.

I'm working on getting tougher with self-defence classes.

I am not a pacifist - I think that violence and self-defence are often morally justified.

I remember taking a self-defence class when I was 16, and of course I don't remember any of it.

A people morally and intellectually equal to self-government must also be equal in self-defence.

All I can say is we will fully utilise our right to self-defence. No one can just do what they want on our borders.

I would, therefore, say that for no reason whatsoever, except in self-defence, should one think of killing any animal.

Self-defence helps with your confidence, and if you ever find yourself in that type of situation, you are more physically capable.

People forget that boxing is the art of self-defence - ideally, hit and not be hit - and maybe we should all think about that a bit more.

I hate cardio; I hate to go for a run. I hate physical things. But Jiu Jitsu is fun because its self-defence and you get some good cardio.

My dad sent me a clipping about the self-defence militias in Mexico. Immediately, when I read it, I knew I wanted to create a parallel story about vigilantes on both sides of the border.

But to cut off relations with an aggressor may often invite retaliation by armed action, and this would, in its turn, make necessary some form of collective self-defence by the loyal members of the League.

This arrogance thing... I've had that my whole life. I flip between, 'Oh really? Oh, thank you. Wow. That's amazing' and, 'Yeah! Of course I am.' They're both varying degrees of a self-defence mechanism. It can be from minute to minute that I change.

Legitimate steps of self-defence which Israel takes in its war against Palestinian terror - actions which any sovereign state is obligated to undertake to ensure the security of its citizens - are presented by those who hate Israel as aggressive, Nazi-like steps.

Every person has a choice in every situation and I decided not to be a victim of crime and to not allow myself to be crippled with fear. This is why I started Unbreakable. I wanted to teach women the self-defence skills I learnt during a course I participated in.

A decent government with an effective, but not gratuitously violent, police force and a fair court system are essential. This deters and incapacitates psychopaths, bullies and hotheads - and if it earns the confidence of the people, they don't have to become violent in self-defence.

When we carried out air strike across the border after the Pulwama terror attack, we had told the international community that we took that step in self-defence only. We had told the international community that the armed forces were instructed not to harm any Pakistani citizen or its soldier during the strike.

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