I suppose I was much more serious-minded in the '70s and '80s.

You have to be serious-minded in business, but not take yourself seriously.

No serious-minded man should have time for the mediocre in any phase of his living.

It should be noted that children at play are not playing about; their games should be seen as their most serious-minded activity.

There is no easy way to ask serious-minded men and women who hold high office, and who have matters of state on their mind, 'Do you mind if I take a quick selfie?'

I'm a serious-minded and intense little devil, terribly gauche and so tense I don't see how people stay in the same room with me. I know I wouldn't tolerate myself.

CNBC is a very serious-minded financial news network, and what we've seen thus far from Fox appears to be not as investment-focused or financially focused, and that's good for us.

I feel like if I had my personality but was an OB/GYN, you would be psyched. You'd be like, 'My chatty, pop-culture-interested but plainspoken, wants-to-talk-about-clothes but serious-minded doctor.' I feel like I would clean up with patients. That's kind of a cocky thing to say.

Our judiciary has a reputation for intellectual rigour, careful consideration of the arguments, and a serious-minded determination to each decision based on what is right and not necessarily what is superficially popular. I am not sure that all politicians have the same reputation.

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