Problems have solutions.

The only solution is love.

Evolution is your solution.

Solutions are not the answer.

I seek solutions, not battles.

Seek people who seek solutions.

There are no instant solutions.

I believe in no final solutions.

A difficulty for every solution.

God's solution is a prayer away!

Look for solutions, not problems.

The problem contains the solution.

Whining isn't a scalable solution.

Bravery is the solution to regret.

There is no problem only solutions

You are that what you cannot lose.

Within the problem lies the solution

Non-aqueous solutions don't conduct.

I believe everything has a solution.

Finding a solution is the way to go.

Who is so firm that can't be seduced?

Focusing on solutions fuels progress.

Suicide is no solution. Keep fighting.

Most problems are caused by solutions.

Solutions must be based on compromises.

I don't accept excuses, only solutions.

A cat is like a puzzle with no solution.

Do not Blame the world. Find a solution.

In the end, all solutions are temporary.

The chief cause of problems is solutions.

The major cause of problems are solutions

If there is a better solution... find it.

To overcome obstacles, you need solutions.

The same equations have the same solutions

Nature's solution to pollution is dilution.

It takes a revolution, to create a solution

As an entrepreneur, you work out solutions.

Americans want real solutions and good jobs.

Don't bring me problems. Bring me solutions.

Cities are not problems. They are solutions.

Writing is not my problem, it is my solution.

Every solution of a problem is a new problem.

I don’t embrace excuses. I embrace solutions.

Angela Merkel is the best solution for Poland.

Whatever the problem - be part of the solution

There is no solution, for there is no problem.

Design provides solutions, art asks questions.

Be very slow to go into looking for solutions.

Sometimes the best solution is simplification.

The solution to our suffering is our suffering!

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