Tears are the summer showers to the soul.

Valor is common but great souls are rare.

The great soul surrenders itself to fate.

Fear is a pair of handcuffs on your soul.

Spare the soul that feels a deadly wound.

The arts are the hospitals for our souls.

Soul, a moving river. Body, the riverbed.

Passionate living is the soul of success.

What for others is style, for me is soul.

For every man, peace of soul is precious.

Fasting of the body is food for the soul.

This garden has a soul, I know its moods.

The soul has more diseases than the body.

Every action alters the soul of the doer.

He didn't flinch, but in his soul he did.

He needs to go rub his soul against life.

I've always thought my flowers had souls.

Music and love are the wings of the soul.

I have met the soul walking upon my path.

Writers are the engineers of human souls.

My heart and soul are in the Stratocaster

If the Earth has a soul, it swims in you.

I drink to separate my body from my soul.

Truth doesn't always heal a wounded soul.

Secrecy is the soul of all great designs.

The human voice is the organ of the soul.

Union Square Cafe is all soul, not brain.

The soul lives there in the silent breath.

Anything that I write comes from the soul.

Only speak words that make souls stronger.

Souls of prayer are souls of great silence

Our minds are confused, but not our souls.

There are no twin souls in God's universe.

The nurse of full-grown souls is solitude.

To possess taste, one must have some soul.

I have sold my soul. Just sign right here.

The aria, after all, is the soul of opera.

My soul is a broken field, plowed by pain.

The soul is the weariest part of the body.

More! More! is the cry of a mistaken soul.

I've killed my soul by playing the victim.

The soul is healed by being with children.

I paint the spirit and soul of what I see.

I look into your eyes and see my own soul.

Love is the secret password to every soul.

You're the kiss that puts my soul at ease.

That, who keeps his mouth, keeps his Soul.

Tea is balm for the soul, don't you agree?

Leanness of body and soul may go together.

Humiliate the reason and distort the soul.

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