Specificity is the soul of narrative.

Better lose your life than your soul.

Friendship is one soul in two bodies.

Intuition is the whisper of the soul.

Tears are summer showers to the soul.

The soul is the lure of our becoming.

A strenuous soul hates cheap success.

The mind is the eyesight of the soul.

The eyes are the gateway to the soul.

A letter is the portrait of the soul.

Writers are engineers of human souls.

Oh, God! I have an ill-divining soul!

Jealousy is the jaundice of the soul.

There is only one romance the Soul's.

In quoting others, we cite ourselves.

The great soul of this world is just.

May new sufferings torment your soul.

Come for the body, stay for the soul.

It takes suffering to widen the soul.

One age is like another for the soul.

The lemonade is weak, like your soul.

Laughter is the language of the soul.

Dance is the landscape of man's soul.

Liberty is a soul’s right to breathe.

Whatever satisfies the soul is truth.

A compassionate soul is inner beauty.

Mine alone is the country of my soul.

Dance to the light that is your soul.

The soul is awakened through service.

A breath of Paris preserves the soul.

To generous souls every task is noble.

Struggle is the architect of the soul.

A deep distress has humanised my soul.

Reggae is my heart ♥ reggae is my soul

I put my soul into every book I write.

God's jokes are the soul's curriculum.

You must walk alone to find your soul.

The whole world is not worth one soul.

Literature is the history of the soul.

Beauty is that which excites the soul.

Authenticity is essential to the soul!

You have my soul and I have your money

Your heart knows. Your soul remembers.

It is one soul which animates all men.

If your soul dances, your body follows

Peace is the wait of the patient soul.

Nothing's boring if it's in your soul.

There's a rebel lying deep in my soul.

I consist of a little body and a soul.

History is the siren song of the soul.

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