It is easier to change the specification to fit the program than vice versa.

It's so important to come up with the right specification of cars - they need to be loud, they need to be fast.

I remember, as a young architect, people always talked about I. M. Pei's concrete. He had a particular specification no one else knew.

Jazz infers a style, but creative music has a wider field and wider specification about it. We know it from people like Scott Joplin and on through Bessie Smith.

Menstruation not only carries with it the connotation of a productive system that has failed to produce; it also carries the idea of production gone awry, making products of no use, not to specification, unsalable, wasted, scrap.

My work sells for £10,000-plus, but my most lucrative piece was a private project that was sold for more than six figures -dollars, that is. The process of the Lego can take weeks, months, or even days. Each one I deliver to specification to each gallery because they want them brought to them fully formed.

I think, as a tire manufacturer, you need to deliver a product that, up to a certain specification, needs to hold the loads and the speed. But you want a tire which degrades in performance so the races are not boring, while at the same time, you want it to have peak performance. All together is a very difficult task.

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