I love the spy genre.

I always liked spy stories.

Women have always been spies

Spy plots are hard, really hard.

I was Gerti Giggles in 'Spy Kids.'

I invented the historical spy novel.

Spies are the ears and eyes of Princes.

I spy with my little eye a great story.

I love 'Bond' movies, I love spy movies.

I'm not a spy, which is the real question

The life of spies is to know, not bee known.

I've always loved spy stories. Who can resist?

I probably read Harriet the Spy about 70,000 times.

It was awesome and liberating to play a Russian spy.

I'm almost incapable of lying. I'd be a terrible spy.

Treason is very much a matter of habit, Smiley decided.

I had such a good time working with Paul Feig on 'Spy.'

Being a filmmaker is kind of like being a glorified spy.

Even through the hollow eyes of death I spy life peering.

Friends don’t spy; true friendship is about privacy, too.

Everybody spies on everybody, I mean, that's just a fact.

Life is a struggle and a good spy gets in there and fights.

However I dress it up, I was a spy and I am not proud of it.

Since knowledge is but sorrow's spy, It is not safe to know.

Our mobile phones have become the greatest spy on the planet.

Writers are spies. Outsiders. Believers in the turning pages.

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a spy detective or a rock star.

The Spy Act prohibits keystroke logging, hijacking, and phishing.

An ambassador has no need of spies; his character is always sacred.

I think I honestly invented my own genre, the historical spy novel.

Be subtle! be subtle! and use your spies for every kind of business.

I want to play a fireman and a spy. I want to learn special effects.

I wanted to be a journalist. The other thing I wanted to be was a spy.

Signs cannot be represented, in a spy's report, so damningly as words.

Spies cannot be usefully employed without a certain intuitive sagacity.

My wife has a small part in 'Spy,' and that movie killed me repeatedly.

Setting people to spy on one another is not the way to protect freedom.

I'm not a spy for Russia or China or any other country for that matter.

I spy, with my little eye, something that starts with ... G." "Sausages.

If I was a spy, I would have a watch that would cloak me in invisibility.

I read a lot of books for information, like doctor books, spy books. . . .

Waiting. Like it or not, it's a skill all spies have to master eventually.

'Raazi,' for me, is a human story - it's much more than just a spy thriller.

Using flimsy evidence to spy on innocent citizens could very well be a crime.

That’s the thing about spies. Most of the secrets we keep are from each other.

You could say that all novels are spy novels and all novelists are spy masters.

I always wanted to play characters, and that was definitely one - a Russian spy.

I feel really lucky that I grew up pretending to be a spy for my whole childhood.

I really wanted to be a spy. I guess it's a bit like acting, where you play a role.

All seems infected that th' infected spy, As all looks yellow to the jaundiced eye.

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