Ireland sober is Ireland stiff.

We celebrities have stiff upper-lips.

I've played dinner theaters. I'm a working stiff.

I hate when I get stiff, and I really notice that.

You can actually be bored stiff while you're dying.

I'm a working stiff, baby, just like everybody else.

Cersei in 'Game of Thrones' is quite solid and stiff.

And though hard be the task, 'Keep a stiff upper lip'.

The best scheme of Phonetics is a stiff uncertain thing.

I think that the stiff competition for places is a positive thing.

If you have a reputation as a big, stiff bureaucracy, you're stuck.

People who keep stiff upper lips find that it's damn hard to smile.

Your hips get really stiff when you're stuck on a bike for several hours each day.

Often you see people on the red carpet with tight up-dos, but that makes me feel stiff.

I can't work in an environment where it's a stiff hierarchy; that's not my kind of way.

Rand Paul comes off like an academic stiff who wants to give us a lecture on American civics.

If you talk to your friends the way your parents talk, they will think you are stiff and odd.

I became stiff as a safety, and so I had to learn to move like a corner and think like a corner.

Even when I have to write a simple letter I'm scared stiff as if faced with looming seasickness.

Whenever I met anyone who knew anything, I would bore them stiff until they told me what they knew.

The purpose of work is to make the worker - whether a working stiff or a CEO - feel good about life.

I'm a working stiff. I just happened to be around at the right time, and nobody else wanted the job.

As an older lineman, if you start to sit around, you get stiff. You get tired. Things start to set in.

Our employers today face numerous challenges and stiff competition from businesses all over the world.

When you are full of pride on the inside, it makes you stiff, stubborn, and creates strife with others.

Everybody's for democracy in principle. It's only in practice that the thing gives rise to stiff objections.

I used to type, but now, typing or working with a computer, I get a stiff neck. So I prefer writing longhand.

I only make storyboards for action scenes. Once you make a storyboard, you don't film; it can be a stiff move.

I had two things I could do: I could run over you, and I could put a good stiff arm on you. That was about it.

I've always had little problems in my ankles when I played very hard games, they'd get very inflamed and stiff.

Prince Charles is very relaxed at the table, throwing his salad around willy-nilly. I didn't find him stiff at all.

I'm not one to complain about illness. I suppose I have a bit of a stiff upper lip. I just tend to get on with things.

And I definitely do that very British thing of, take things with a pinch of salt, stiff upper lip, you know what I mean?

Twenty can't be expected to tolerate sixty in all things, and sixty gets bored stiff with twenty's eternal love affairs.

Misfortune had made Lily supple instead of hardening her, and a pliable substance is less easy to break than a stiff one.

If you're a big celebrity, you get money to be private. I'm just a working stiff. I don't get bodyguards or alarm systems.

A lot of people misunderstand what is Strong Style. Hard hits? Stiff? I don't think so. Strong Style is a kind of philosophy.

Earliest musical memory is probably being scared stiff with my family's band as a youngster on stage playing the conga drums.

Just as actors are afraid of child audiences because they're so honest, I would be scared stiff of going before the big folks.

I just hate going to the gym, unless I need to do cardio once in a while. I think gymming makes you stiff and takes your aura away.

Congress needs to toughen the laws protecting elections and make clear that anyone interfering with democracy will pay a stiff price.

I had polio when I was 13. I started feeling stiff, my joints ached, and over a two-week period I lost my coordination and 20 pounds.

I went to college, grad school. I got an M.B.A., had a really cush corporate job. But I was just bored stiff. I didn't fit that mold.

You walk into a room and there's already judgment. You know, like football players can't act or you're going to come in and be stiff.

We can only create good jobs if we make smarter investments in infrastructure and do more to support small businesses, not stiff them.

Rock bands don't really swing... a lot of rock is stiff. They don't understand the feel, the movement, you know, the jungle of it all.

I find dates, in general, horrific. We have to sit there and ask these questions and pretend to eat a meal, and it just feels so stiff.

I started out as a novelist, and I think novels have gotten a little stiff, a little repetitive, and the energy in comics was much more appealing.

Mathematicians are stiff abstract guys. They'll tell you they don't need the physical world. But then when I show them my bubbles they're like little children.

In a climate of tight budgets, reduced workforces and stiff competition, internal training can be a great substitute for costly offsite workshops and conferences.

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