I have stood on my own feet.

Veterans have stood up for us.

Injustice can never be stood for.

I've always stood up for country music.

I really love Evel Knievel, what he stood for.

The blind date that has stood you up: your life.

You knew where you stood with Sir Alex Ferguson.

So many people have stood behind me for so long.

From where they stood, they could see the castle.

I definitely stood out when I was in high school.

I was four when I first stood at the helm on my own.

I identify... with the ideas that Malcolm X stood for.

What we, as African Americans, stood on was our faith.

I stood up for what I believed in starting businesses.

Team success stood, and stands, above everything for me.

We've stood by who we are and we didn't listen to anyone else.

A sculpture is just a painting cut out and stood up somewhere.

Despite being through 100 hurdles, I have stood up for myself.

My dad likes my honesty and has always stood by me due to that.

No minister ever stood, or could stand, against public opinion.

I stood by Ted Cruz in 2012. I endorsed President Trump in 2016.

I got stood up by the letter Y, he was hanging around with his X.

I was brought up in a household where you stood up to be counted.

I'm proud to have stood with the LGBTQ community my entire career.

America has long stood before the world as an exceptional country.

When I got through, Duke Ellington stood up and started the applause.

It's time we had a president who stood up for American workers first.

I was in the ROTC. Of course, ROTC stood for 'Running off to Canada.'

We've always been a band that stood up for what we thought was right.

How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.

From a very young age I was someone who stood up for others and myself.

Friendships that have stood the test of time and change are surely best.

The Undertaker stood up for what was right. He earned everything he got.

Democrats have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Israel since its founding.

You do stand alone sometimes. But my mother stood by me through all this.

Anyone who's stood on the floor of a set knows nothing gets done by itself.

This time, I took it easier. I stood up before it so as not to crash again.

A man who will traduce those who stood with him in battle is not worth much.

The House of Lords is like a glass of champagne that has stood for five days.

I've stood down as UKIP leader. I'm not responsible for these people anymore.

Everything the Beats stood for was the opposite of the dominant culture today.

I advocate family planning, but I have never stood for forcible sterilisation.

I never stood in a public house bar and alcoholic drink never touched my lips.

I was absolutely lost in love and life when I did my drawings. Time stood still.

Iran has attacked oil fields and shot down a U.S. drone - all while we stood by.

My father was responsible for me starting in music. He's always stood behind me.

Until I'm actually stood on the set doing the job, I always keep my options open.

Time never stood still for me. It went too fast; that was the bad thing about it!

Bob Marley stood for universal peace and love. He tried to break racial barriers.

I've always been alone, done things by myself and stood stronger than the others.

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