What I wear onstage is so stylized and bold.

I didn't want 'Mudbound' to feel stylized in any way.

You couldn't find a more stylized boxer than Sugar Ray Leonard.

I don't really want to make a stylized film or anything too surreal.

My contention is that that style is just as stylized as an ornate style.

Stylized acting and direction is to realistic acting and direction as poetry is to prose.

Definitely it is difficult to maintain the Hollywood stylized action that we had in 'Kick.'

'Jersey Boys' was a lot of running around and a lot of energy, but it was more stylized movement.

In the final analysis, style is art. And art is nothing more or less than various modes of stylized, dehumanized representation.

The acting of the '50s is really stylized, so you're not really getting a lot of authentic, everyday characterization of people.

I love many realists but very strongly resist the notion that realism presents a less stylized, more authentic version of the world.

It was kind of fun to make 'Cloudy,' which has such a stylized look, and then do 'LEGO,' which, while it's stylized, is also photo-real.

Animals are stylized characters in a kind of old saga - stylized because even the most acute of them have little leeway as they play out their parts.

Sometimes in a sculpture, it's interesting to me what's stylized and what's natural and how those forms interrelate, as they interrelate in ourselves.

With '30 Minutes or Less,' there was a conscious decision on my part to make it a little less stylized. I wanted it to feel like an '80s action movie.

I strongly believe that Professor Longhair playing just instrumentals would be just as effective as stylized vocals; that's how much I believe in his music.

When prose gets too stylized and out of control - and Stein is sometimes a good example - when you don't know what the hell is going on, then it's kind of boring.

I love movies where you can tell who's directed it even before the credits roll in, like Wes Anderson or Quentin Tarantino. People who make very stylized types of film.

We use music, cinematic storytelling and very stylized backgrounds to create mood and atmosphere as 'Samurai Jack' travels an exotic landscape. The environment is a major character in each show.

We're trying to change the whole way our merch is viewed, in terms of just not a bunch of skulls interlaced; you know, every album can look the same, so they're going to be stylized and different.

There was a time when villains were stylized as very fashionable with gelled hair, girls in arms and cigar in mouth but now films have come closer to the reality. Realism has entered our industry.

In a clown, we see what we do that makes us laugh and cry. I kept the white face, the tradition of the Pierrot. My clown became a romantic and stylized figure. I wanted to be an abstract and concrete figure, a symbol of humanity.

I think it's because all our music videos have chubby girls wearing crazy makeup and crazy gay dudes and trannies that are overly stylized and over-the-top. Being compared to John Waters and girl groups isn't a bad thing, though.

Our job as directors is to really give the audience a sense that all this exists in a universe somewhere. Even if it's a slightly more stylized or comedic world than we live in, it's still really important that it has an authenticity and integrity to it.

What can I say about 'The Lost Boys'? Oh my God: I love it; I hate it; I'm scared of it. I had a massive crush on them all when I was young. And I wanted to be a vampire. It's so stylized; it's the type of film I grew up on. To me, it's always at the top.

I had to get used to wearing a mask and wearing a prosthetic and performing with those things while singing and expressing myself through stylized movement, while keeping it as human as possible so the audience could be closer to the horror of the Phantom.

I would like to see more Bollywood films! The more stylized musicals are a new trend in the U.S. We are beginning to make musicals again after a long break, practically since the days of the studio structure, so perhaps we can learn a few things from Bollywood about this fun style of film-making.

Being an actor is a lot more involved than many people realize; there are hundreds of ways to play any character. Even for a stylized bad guy, there are 4 or 5 different personalities I can play off the top of my head without thinking - better and more experienced actors can do dozens or hundreds.

When we put our trust in diplomacy, it is not because it is an inspiring or uplifting discourse or because it helps us see the common humanity in others. The stylized circumlocutions of diplomats can make them seem ridiculous or irrelevant: they never seem to be talking about what is really going on.

To write a novel is to embark on a quest that is very romantic. People have visions, and the next step is to execute them. That's a very romantic project. Like Edvard Munch's strange dreamlike canvases where people are stylized, like 'The Scream.' Munch must have had that vision in a dream, he never saw it.

We talk about characters in literature as though they were built on the model of the real person, but then I often think that the way we present ourselves as real people is based heavily on the way literary psychologies are stylized, and I wonder how the two forms of realistic personhood feed on or fulfill each other.

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