Success breeds success.

Success is never final.

Failure has no friends.

In success be moderate.

Success can't be forced.

Attain the unattainable.

Success can be a legacy.

Do the very best you can.

Clarity precedes success.

Applause waits on success.

Honor lies in honest toil.

Success is a great healer.

Success breeds confidence.

Conquer but never triumph.

Success is in the details.

Failiure is not an option.

Conquer, but don't triumph.

Nothing fails like success.

Fortune befriends the bold.

My success is not who I am.

We fall forward to succeed.

Friends are born, not made.

You must be present to win.

Remove failure as an option.

True success is obeying God.

When you win, nothing hurts.

Success unshared is failure.

Life is just a bowl of pits.

Every dog must have his day.

Children are all foreigners.

Stop selling. Start helping.

A winner never stops trying.

Act as if success is certain.

You can if you think you can.

We'll succeed unless we quit.

I'm astonished by my success.

Much effort, much prosperity.

The lesser evil is also evil.

Nothing recedes like success.

Life is an incurable disease.

Achievement is its own reward

Failure is a part of success.

Life is too short to be small.

We do not exist for ourselves.

Success has ruined many a man.

Laughter is the music of life.

Failure is success in progress

Impossible is just an opinion.

Nothing succeeds like success.

I've avoided success artfully.

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