I always play the sweet girl next door.

I like a girl who doesn't play any games. I like a very sweet girl.

The aggressive side of me comes across in my music, but I'm just a sweet girl.

For some reason, Hollywood seems to have painted me as a gorgeous vixen at times or the sweet girl.

With yourself, I think you have to decide the kind of person that you really want to be, and for me, it's just a sweet girl.

I think I can deceive people. I'm like, the nice, sweet girl when you meet me. And I don't have any bad intentions. But I'm a bad girl too.

I want to do different things. I don't want to be stuck in the 'sweet girl' box. I don't want to be stuck in the 'Oh, she is so glamorous' box.

I won't say I'm tired of playing the sweet girl next-door who looks at life each day with wide-eyed wonder. But I do crave for a change of image.

There was a little of this, 'Oh, you're such a sweet girl!' That's a wonderful thing to have in life; I don't mind it at all for life. But I remember, the first role I was ever cast in as a not-so-sweet-girl, I was so happy.

Britney Spears is a big influence. Huge. I think people thought I was joking about that for a long time. But when I was a teenager, there was a genuine connection with this sweet girl who also had this very sexual side that people didn't really want to accept.

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