I quite like dark humor.

You can’t have peace without a war.

I'm a very, very disciplined person.

You have to be your biggest believer.

Drink to forget; don't forget to drink.

I want blood, guts, and chocolate cake.

I'm masquerading as an innocent pop star.

I'm obsessed with the mess that's America.

I'm vulnerable, I'm vulnerable. I am not a robot.

I'm not going to lie; I'm not a huge remix person.

I feel like I'm the worst, so I always act like I'm the best.

I don't want to live in real life. It's too harsh, too brutal.

My style icons are Leigh Lezark, Gwen Stefani and Shirley Manson.

I have sold my soul. I would sell my soul, if I could have it all.

My biggest fear is love and getting hurt in love but still believing.

Nobody will admit to playing power games in relationships, but they do.

Success, I've come to realise, is fleeting so you shouldn't value it too much.

You could say that my life's a mess. But, I'm still looking pretty in this dress.

I love pop music because you can really see what's currently happening in society.

I was always very creative. I was always into acting and dancing when I was younger.

Fake it, fake your confidence until it's real. I think it's a good way to live most of your life.

What I've learnt about artists over the years is, artists are usually the opposite to their music.

I feel like everyone has the right to privacy, even if you're the most famous person in the world.

Music is my 90% of my life and my biggest passion. I really don't have an interest in anything else.

Hollywood infected my brain and I really valued the wrong things in life, but I changed dramatically.

I actually quite like promo, which is quite odd for an artist, but recording's not the easiest thing.

Touring can be tough; the crew and I travel everywhere by a big pink bus, and live in petrol stations.

I think some people just have an innate musical ability, and I'm lucky enough to be one of those people.

You know what, if you compromise and do stuff that's not becoming to you as an artist, that's your fault.

There's no one particular road that will lead you to success. I think everybody will find it differently.

I love natural beauty, and I think it's your best look, but I think makeup as an artist is so transformative.

Rejection is a universally embarrassing topic and 'Electra Heart' is my response to that. It is a frank album.

I want to provoke people with thoughts, not by taking my clothes off. It's time to move on from Stripperville.

What I hate is that not many people admit to having a big ego, but you have to - and there's nothing wrong with it.

I don't really know how to live my life, just like lots of other people don't. I guess you just learn along the way.

Everyone gets dumped and everyone gets hurt and there's karma to love in regards to what you've done to other people.

I think I actually did write about love because I kind of had a fear of it, like we all do, nobody wants to get hurt.

Blonde symbolises sexuality and power - it holds very different connotations. The archetypal star has always been blonde.

I turned off my Google alerts in 2009 as I learnt that following yourself on the Internet very quickly becomes unhealthy.

I think celebrity culture and sexuality in pop music is really important, but I want there to be an alternative for people.

I don't think I'm an instantaneous act the whole world will love in one second - but that's how I've felt about bands I love.

Lots of narcissistic people have helped lots of other people with their music. That's such a narcissistic thing to say! Ha ha!

That's when you know you really fit with someone - when you can just sit there and not do anything. Kind of ignoring each other.

I love 40's-60's fashion because it suits the type of figure that I have the most, so that's what I always go for. I won't change!

I felt connected with Madonna from a very young age. I think I share a lot of qualities from her personality. I really respect her.

When you are with the wrong person, who doesn't really love you, all you want is to be adored. It makes you more inward and needy. Gross.

I have quite a lot of plastic sunglasses. It's just a nice accessory, it adds a final thing, and it's my favorite way of figuring an outfit.

This obsession with celebrity culture is really unhealthy. I don't want to live my life like that, and I don't want to be a typical pop star.

I am absolutely not a roll-on-stage kind of girl! I would be totally freaked out if I didn't warm up, and I don't know how other singers do it.

I think each human being wants to make their mark on the world in whatever way they can, and maybe everyone has a slight egomaniac inside of them.

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