I'm a Taurus. To the bone.

I'm a Taurus; I need a home.

Taurus and Sagittarius do not get along.

I have a Ford Taurus, and I don't care who knows it.

I'm a Taurus, you know. A bull. I belong in a field.

Maybe because I'm a Taurus, I like to watch plants grow.

I am very good at remembering music and am absolutely certain that I never heard 'Taurus' until 2014.

Whenever I'm at a party, people are always telling me either to get a new quarterback or make the Taurus back seat bigger.

The great earthquake shall be in the month of May; Saturn, Capricorn, Jupiter, Mercury in Taurus; Venus, also Cancer, Mars in zero.

I am a bull. I am Taurus. My will is awful. If I like something, there is nothing else. I was a pain in the neck. I still am a pain in the neck.

My first car was an '84 Ford Taurus. It caught on fire from me trying to change the fuel pump, so that wasn't good at all. Dried leaves on the ground while I was trying to change the fuel pump. Don't do that. Do it on concrete.

I'm a Taurus, which sounds like the name of a pickup truck. I'd prefer to be born under the sign of the rock wallaby. If you're going to interpret your life pursuant to an utterly irrational dogma, why can't it have a cute mascot? Rock wallabies really are fabulous animals, and in any remotely just world, they would have their own star sign.

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