The slide is tennis.

Tennis is very tough.

I love tennis, love it!

I stumbled into tennis.

Tennis is physical chess.

Tennis has given me soul.

My tennis skills are okay.

I don't play tennis at all.

I have a strong tennis arm.

I'll just let my tennis talk.

I do rock climbing and tennis.

I started tennis around age 2.

He's a haircut and a forehand.

Tennis is the loneliest sport.

I love seeing tennis up close.

I play tennis because I like it.

The schedule is tough in tennis.

tennis is a 100-mph chess match.

Power thrills, consistency kills.

I've played too many tennis hours.

I never look back, I look forward.

My country is taking over in tennis

I'm the Bjorn Boerg of table tennis.

Control the things you can control .

I fear no one, but respect everyone.

Everything is possible in this life.

I help design my own tennis clothes.

What rivalry? I win all the matches.

The ball is round, the game is long.

I think tennis was just in my genes.

I want to play tennis and fornicate.

I wasn't any good at playing tennis.

I was so horrifically bad at tennis.

There is a fear of emotion in tennis.

Tennis players have the ugliest feet.

Tennis is more commercial these days.

Tennis just a game, family is forever.

I feel like my whole life only tennis.

I just go out and play my best tennis.

Tennis is my job, but it's not my life.

I hate to lose more than I love to win.

It was so easy to play tennis, so easy.

I was playing good tennis up until 100.

I think college tennis makes you tough.

I'm not Mr. Nice Guy, I'm a tough cookie

When I'm relaxed, I play my best tennis.

All I cared about in tennis was winning.

I actually wanted to be a tennis player.

Winning is a way of expressing yourself.

I know it's just sport; it's just tennis.

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