Nothing is held back on 'Testimony.'

Become the Word in body as well as spirit.

Testimony gives something to be interpreted.

Without the a test you don't have a testimony.

Eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable.

Testimony bearing is the key to missionary work

We gain or strengthen a testimony by bearing it.

I'm a living testimony that anything is possible.

We . . . have to open our mouths and bear testimony.

If you want a testimony, you are going to have a test.

Psychiatric expert testimony: mendacity masquerading as medicine.

When you tell the truth, you don't have to change your testimony.

To hold a testimony, one must bear it often and live worthy of it.

Inconsistencies in men are generally testimony to their immaturity.

Testimony always comes from people who are in some way disempowered.

Testimony is to know and to feel, Conversion is to do and to become.

Testimony is contingent on experience, that's why we're all free spirits

My assistants will bear testimony to the fact that I am a very angry man.

Confidence in others' honesty is no light testimony of one's own integrity.

Your personal testimony, however meaningful it is to you, is not the gospel.

Gold has at all times been considered the best of testimonies of good faith.

People want chat histories. They're a permanent testimony of a relationship.

I'm a walking testimony, a product of all the people in my life and my faith.

God doesn't put anyone someplace permanently. I am a living testimony to that.

I'm convinced from what I know of Vernon Bundy that his testimony was truthful.

I would say that American poetry has always been a poetry of personal testimony.

I know that I have to give testimony about all the things I lived, but I need time.

A poem can provide testimony. A poem can provide solace. It can provide a connection.

A testimony is a testimony, and it should be respected, whether it is small or large.

I am not struck so much by the diversity of testimony as by the many-sidedness of truth.

We acquire a testimony of the principles of the gospel by obediently trying to live them.

Expressions of solemn testimony have long been important to the children of God upon the earth.

Can you every single day tell a true testimony of who you are? That's really what life is about.

At the request of the special counsel, Mr. Rove will not discuss the substance of his testimony.

Testimony demands to be interpreted because of the dialectic of meaning and event that traverses it

A great percentage of the mistakes I discovered in my own work, could be attributed to testimonies.

Testimony demands to be interpreted because of the dialectic of meaning and event that traverses it.

What do you want? What do you want your life to be? What do you want your testimony to be? Go for it!

If the focus of our testimony is our changed life, we as well as our hearers are bound to be disappointed.

An Apostle is a missionary, bearing testimony of the reality and divinity of Jesus Christ in all the world.

Being, in the testimony it gives of itself, informs us not only about what it is but also about what we owe it.

Conversion is an offering of self, of love, and of loyalty we give to God in gratitude for the gift of testimony.

There is absolutely nothing in this world that will provide more comfort and happiness than a testimony of the truth.

If you are spiritual and faithful about your situation, you'll make it through it. And my life is a testimony to that.

As a child of God, our whole reason for existing is to give God praise. What a testimony to give in a difficult situation.

Testimony is personal knowledge, based upon the witness of the Holy Ghost, that certain facts of eternal significance are true.

Knowing that the gospel is true is the essence of a testimony. Consistently being true to the gospel is the essence of conversion.

The most obscene symbol in human history is the Cross; yet in its ugliness it remains the most eloquent testimony to human dignity.

I think that one of the most fundamental responsibilities is to give testimony in a court of law, to give it honestly and willingly.

I think that I am a walking testimony to you can have scars. You can go through turbulent times and still have victory in your life.

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