Texans fear no one.

Texans will not be pushed around.

Texans should not be taxed on our taxes.

Texans are by nature independent people.

Texans know how to make people feel welcome.

Most Texans think Hanukkah is some sort of duck call.

It has never been a good idea to try to disarm Texans.

I've always gotten along well with Texans. You've got to.

You don't find anyone like Texans anywhere else in the world.

I am constantly reminded that as Texans, we are exceptional people.

I serve and answer to the Texans I represent - not the Hollywood elite.

I'm loyal and I think most Texans are very loyal, but I'm also stubborn.

You know the good part about all those executions in Texas? Fewer Texans.

Jim Hightower, Ann Richards - there are quite a few intelligent regular Texans.

Washington is out of control, and it's time for Texans to stand up and stop them.

When in Texas, do as the Texans do: Drive trucks, wear cowboy boots, and two-step!

I caught a break and took an entry-level job with the Houston Texans when I was 28.

Texans have in common with Australians, in that they are quite strong, hardy people.

Many people have believed that they were Chosen, but none more baldly than the Texans.

People in my town were not that into reading, but the overblown way Texans told stories was important.

Texans deserve a senator who represents our values, strength, courage, independence - putting Texas first.

I knew more about Texas than the Texans and when they told me I would find summer here I smiled knowingly.

What I try to keep an eye on is I don't work for the party bosses in Washington. I work for 26 million Texans.

Serving 27 million Texans spread across 254 counties and two time zones isn't a job for those who require a lot of sleep.

Texas deserves a leader who understands that making education a priority creates good jobs for Texans and keeps Texas on top.

Texans and independent voters like to vote for somebody who is going to buck the status quo, and isn't going to do as he is told.

I didn't get a pilot slot my first time trying. We Texans don't give up easy, and everything we've accomplished is just the beginning.

A lot of Texans go up to New York and stay there forever. If there are any two places with more individual characters, I don't know them.

Our voting records are not necessarily the same, but, you know, we're all Texans, and at the end of the day, we try to help each other out.

Real Texans want their kids to have the best education possible, not the one politicians looking to brag about budget cuts have left us with.

I supported Arizona's immigration law by joining in that lawsuit to defend it. Every day I have Texans on that border that are doing their job.

Real Texans believe in looking out for each other. We believe in honoring our mothers and fathers and keeping our smallest residents - our children - healthy.

I don't have a beef with Texas. I just don't think Texans know anything about basketball and they don't have a sense of humor. Texans take themselves too seriously.

We are witnessing a great awakening. Millions of Texans, millions of Americans are rising up to reclaim our country, to defend liberty and to restore the Constitution.

Texas has a lot of challenges, but if I choose to run I will talk about opening democracy to mainstream Texans and not just to a closed circle of entrenched ideologues.

Texas really is the greatest state in the greatest nation. Texans - and women all over the country - deserve leaders that care, that listen, and that work to protect their interests.

New Yorkers have their own way of speaking, their own tempo, and Texans are a lot like that. As much as you think Texas is one thing and New York is another, they're very much the same.

I think provincialism is an endemic characteristic with mankind, I think everybody everywhere is provincial, but it is particularly striking with Texans, and we tend to be very Texcentric.

In the Steven F. Austin Colony, which was the first colony, Texans first established a provisional government in 1835 with the intention of writing a declaration of independence soon after.

I could not pass up the opportunity to build and operate a casino next door to my hometown. This casino will be where Louisiana locals and Texans will want to play, stay, and enjoy themselves.

Texas is so wrapped up in myth and legend, it's hard to know what the state and its people are really about. Real Texans, raised on these myths and legends, sometimes become legends themselves.

Texans don't want to sit back and watch Austin turn into Washington, D.C. State leaders in power keep forcing people to opposite corners to prepare for a fight instead of coming together to get things done.

Real Texans don't want any woman to die of cancer because she can't get decent health care or medical advice. Real Texans don't want any woman to lose control of her life because she can't get birth control.

I'm very confident, that I'm going to be able to deliver better leadership to Texas than John Cornyn does - more reflective of Texas values than we are of D.C. values, which is what John Cornyn represents to most Texans.

It is difficult to conduct flood mitigation at the federal level because of the bureaucracy and inconsistent funding. Texans are better able to lead this effort at the state level rather than rely on the federal government.

When rough times have fallen upon our state in the past, Texans have always responded with generosity and an eagerness to help. The compassionate response to the fires has proven that this community spirit is alive and well.

Our community in North Texas is fortunate to have two thriving airports. We serve millions of satisfied customers and employ hundreds of thousands of North Texans. We should not jeopardize that which is working well already.

No one except Hollywood stars and very rich Texans wore Indian jewelry. And there was a plethora of dozens if not hundreds of athletic teams that in essence were insulting us, from grade schools to college. That's all changed.

When Texans suffered from the collapse of the oil market in the 1980s, they could rely on the fiscal union to help them. When Texas boomed with rising oil prices in the 2000s, it contributed to the union to help harder hit regions.

Enough to using Texas as a political laboratory for testing far-right ideas. Enough to using Texas as a workshop for fattening the wallets of their special interest friends and supporters. And enough of politicians listening only to each other, rather than real Texans.

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