Problems are only opportunities with thorns on them.

Problems are only opportunities with thorns on them.

Look at this tangle of thorns.

I love playing for the Thorns.

I Fall upon the thorns of life.

There is no rose without thorns.

I am thankful that thorns have roses.

Your thorns are the best part of you.

Truths and roses have thorns about them.

A crown of roses is also a crown of thorns.

The only rose without thorns is friendship.

He that sows thorns should never go barefoot.

Roses grow on thorns and honey wears a sting.

I hope the Vandals had thorns in their sandals

He that sows Thorns, should never go barefoot.

The rose's rarest essence lives in the thorns.

My life is part humor, part roses, part thorns.

Water the fruit trees and don’t water the thorns.

Misanthropy is a suit of armor lined with thorns.

He that scatters thorns, let him not go barefoot.

Love can grown among the rocks and thorns of life.

Life is full of paradoxes, as roses are of thorns.

You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.

And he repents in thorns that sleeps in beds of roses.

An artful or false woman shall set thy pillow with thorns.

Entering politics would be like donning a crown of thorns.

As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.

every time I've held a rose, It seems I only felt the thorns

What does it avail you, if of many thorns only one be removed.

To wear the crown of peace, you must wear the crown of thorns.

He who would lay hands upon us will encounter thorns and barbs!

Every man has his thorns, not of him, but in him, deep as bones.

The motto was 'Pax', but the word was set in a circle of thorns.

To wander in the fields of flowers, pull the thorns from your heart.

The head that once was crowned with thorns Is crowned with glory now.

The flower which is single need not envy the thorns that are numerous.

The United States reaps the thorns its rulers have planted in the world.

Free from passion and desire, you have stripped the thorns from the stem.

Lean too much upon the approval of people, and it becomes a bed of thorns.

O youth! thou often tearest thy wings against the thorns of voluptuousness.

If thou has a bundle of thorns in thy lot, there is no need to sit down on it.

The road to freedom is full of thorns and fire, yet happy is he who follows it!

There are thorns everywhere, but along the path of vice, roses bloom above them.

If you enjoy the fragrance of a rose, you must accept the thorns which it bears.

We should avoid planting and cultivating too many thorns in the bosom of society.

You cannot show people only the petals and not the thorns. It's not fair to them.

She who loves roses must be patient and not cry out when she is pierced by thorns.

The profession of the writer has its thorns about which the reader does not dream.

Do not be tempted by English roses. Their beauty fades, but their thorns are forever.

God put thorns around the Love's door to stop anyone who's not a Lover from entering.

No traveler e'er reached that blest abode who found not thorns and briers in his road.

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