With pop songs, they usually have a three-month roll out.

A three-month training camp writes you off, I wake up and I literally can't get out of bed.

After a three-month course in acting, I bagged my first film 'Suraksha' - opposite actor Suniel Shetty.

I don't miss a three-month training camp. I don't miss fight week. But I do miss being the baddest man on the planet.

Well, it's not full time - my dancers are only paid for six months of the year in two three-month blocks; but yes, it is possible we could do it in another year.

I had a serious childhood illness - sort of like spinal meningitis - that led to a three-month hospitalization. Afterward, I couldn't be insured because of a pre-existing condition.

I am single. Acting can make it hard to have profound relationships if you're not careful. You get into this pattern of three-month, four-month jobs and 'what's the next adventure.'

I was born in London in 1919. I first went to America in 1946 for a three-month holiday. Then I came back, worked here for almost a year sold up my home and went back on immigration in 1947.

The real challenge was to model all the interest rates simultaneously, so you could value something that depended not only on the three-month interest rate, but on other interest rates as well.

I would love to be on Broadway. I would love to do a three-month run, similar to how celebrities do a three-month run on 'Chicago.' Something like that would be awesome. So, I'm putting it out there.

Because Techstars is an intensely productive three-month program in which product development and iteration are primary goals, we're constantly looking to streamline our program to help entrepreneurs avoid recurring obstacles.

I would give illegal immigrants already here a three-month grace period to apply for a temporary worker's visa. If they failed to apply within that time frame, they would be considered fugitives, and they would be found and deported.

When I was working at Teleflora, I got booked to do 'Talladega Nights,' so I went and did that. That was really my first big break ev-er. I made as much from my per diem during the three-month shoot as I did for the entire previous year.

It's such a weird thing to try to plan a baby around a TV season. There's a three-month or four-month window in the summertime to have a baby and hang out with it a little bit before hopefully going back to work, so we were just very lucky.

I had virtually a three-month layoff from an injury angle we ran so I didn't wrestle at all. I was worried the most about my cardio and I tried to stay in cardio shape using a Stairmaster and treadmill but there's nothing like being in ring shape.

I always give myself a three-month period where I would just hibernate and wouldn't even think about the baby weight. I would just be with my baby in my own little world. And then, once I started getting more energy and wasn't so tired, then I would hit the gym.

I have hundreds and hundreds of songs waiting to get on albums, but I don't know about the three-month radio tours and if I'll be interested in that. I haven't figured it out, but I will definitely be doing music, whether it is independent or with a major record label.

I always tell people, when I was a kid, there was four pay-per-views a year, and everything had three-month builds, and it was just the best thing ever. That's my wrestling. It was like, if there was a way for it to go back to that, oh my God, I would be so happy. And that's what NXT has provided.

After 14 years of running DonorsChoose.org as someone who had never written a line of code, I did do a three-month night school course. After all these years, I could at least speak some of the same vocabulary and have a first-hand appreciation for what my colleagues on the engineering team are doing.

The Way teaches that people outside the cult are evil - of the Devil. In line with that belief, the members tried to alienate me from my family, to whom I am very close, and from my friends. So I just drifted away. In seeing my three-month involvement as 'just a phase,' my parents were lucky rather than wise.

I know a few different women who really enjoy fantasy football, but if it doesn't work out for them in a given season, it's not like they're going to go into a three-month funk. Whereas I know a lot of guys, myself included, who, if they have a bad season or if they lose a couple tough games, are just crushed.

You can't sit down and write 300 compositions in a three-month period and think that you're doing it all by yourself. Obviously, there's something going on here. And whether you want to call it channeling or being connected to a creative force or knowing your history and knowing where you belong, that's, you know, maybe a personal thing.

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