Time elaborately thrown away.

I've always thrown like a girl.

I've thrown many picks in my life, man.

I think that I'm throwing but I'm thrown

I like getting toilet paper thrown at me.

I've thrown a lot of curls over the years.

Every punch was thrown with bad intentions.

I like being thrown out of my comfort zone.

I'm ready to conquer anything thrown at me.

In Judo, he who thinks is immediately thrown.

A vote for me is a vote completely thrown away.

I was thrown out of every school I ever went to.

What you do for an ungrateful man is thrown away.

Washington has thrown their soldiers on the fire.

I have never, honestly, thrown a chair in my life.

I love Australia! I got a boot thrown at me there.

not every boy thrown to the wolves becomes a hero.

Corpses are more fit to be thrown out than is dung.

Impossibility is a log thrown on the fires of love.

I can see how child stars can be thrown off-kilter.

Billions of dollars are thrown at African countries.

It seems like Satan has thrown the DH into our game.

I had never seen a perfect game or no-hitter thrown.

Tony Blair will probably get thrown out by his party.

We are thrown together with a sprinkling of stardust.

Be ready to catch the ball when it is thrown by life.

I don't get all the anger that is thrown at comedians.

I'll cop whatever gets thrown at me - that's politics.

Even if I get thrown out of Hollywood, I'll come back.

I didn't like having reasonable arguments thrown at me.

I was thrown into the spotlight pretty quickly at UCLA.

During the rehearsal process I got thrown off the horse.

His mother should have thrown him out and kept the stork.

My body isn't made to be thrown on or get hit with ladders.

My definition of success is not having things thrown at me!

So many movies just have two pretty people thrown together.

The history of football has always thrown up big surprises.

I couldn't have thrown that bomb. I was at home making bombs

In the past I've thrown my wicket away on certain occasions.

I used to beg for auditions. Now, they're being thrown at me.

You take what's thrown at you, and you make a life out of it.

I didn't have a grip on that ball. I shouldn't have thrown it.

I've learnt the power of words. I've had the worst thrown at me.

I've been kind of thrown under the bus a few times in my career.

I mean I've never been thrown in jail in New York or Los Angeles.

I don't feel I'm thrown around by the winds of taste and fashion.

That got thrown out of court are what got me thrown out of school.

I don't respond in any way to personal abuse that is thrown at me.

The only truths that are useful are instruments to be thrown away.

All the tenets that I had grown up with were thrown out the window.

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