If I miss a pass at practice, I'm ticked off.

'The Great Gatsby' ticked so many boxes for me.

As a pitcher, you can't afford to get too ticked off.

I'll never be able to quantify how important 'Venus' was for me or my career. I ticked a huge box.

Sometimes I think the choir gets a little ticked with me because I haven't sung in a long time and I can sing.

It would be great to play in a Scotland side that defeated England. That could be another box ticked off for me.

I've always enjoyed making people laugh. But in order for me to be funny, I have to get ticked off about something.

I go to work, and I work very hard. I'm loyal, generous, true, kind, fair - all those boxes are ticked. I'm going to Heaven.

My own habit had always been to write about the things that ticked me off in a given day. If I kept a journal at all, I kept it to vent.

I had a few moments in Hong Kong, the odd minute where you sit down and reflect more than anything of having that ticked off in your career. It's something special.

I try to stay consciously away from the roles of the girl who throws herself at the leading man, because I've done it a lot and I want to move on. I ticked that box.

Sometimes when I get frustrated and ticked off, there's a little more fire there. It can also get you in trouble if you're not careful, but I think within reason it can help you.

Anytime you hear different things - whether it's trade rumors or people saying you're not living up to your complete potential - you're obviously going to get ticked off about that.

Look, I was only given a year or two to come up with tunes for this record, and when all but eight of them were thrown out for riotous behaviour, I got a bit ticked off; wouldn't you?

As far as I'm concerned, as soon as you reach your goal, then that's the box ticked for me. I don't feel the need to repeat titles or repeat victories; as soon as I get the one, then I'm happy.

During my eight years at Deutsche Bank, the bank ticked every box with the elite development programs, coaching, mission statements for the advancement of women - and I was proud to be a part of it.

I asked him if he ever hung out with black guys in high school and he said, 'Well, no. They always had these angry looks on their faces. Who wouldn't look ticked off having to deal with nitwits like him?

I was a very good student. Procrastinating gives me anxiety, and getting a B really ticked me off. Sure, I didn't always want to do my homework, but I actually really liked school. As nerdy as it sounds, I love learning.

Even in my hometown of Linkoping where I grew up... the church we had was very lavish - very boasty. So it ticked most of the boxes of big, imposing Christianity. And I love being there if I'm in town... because it's just this haunting place.

With the discovery of the Higgs boson, one of the questions has been ticked off the list, but there are many others. We hope that we can find answers or hints for answers to at least some of them. But of course, this is in the hands of nature.

No one's banging down my door. People see the way I look, and they don't feel threatened, but they should watch out for me. They don't know there's a steel rod that drives me. I get ticked off, and the rage just gets me going. My motor is anger.

Everybody gets ticked off about GE paying no taxes. Look, we have a complicated, convoluted tax system. And only big corporations and wealthy individuals like Warren Buffett can take advantage of it. We need to simplify and flatten the code, get rid of all the loopholes.

You have to list all your special skills on a form when you get an agent. There's fencing, stage combat, horse riding, motorbike riding, Spanish, French, German, whatever. I just ticked everything. I talk about 10 languages according to that form. I even ticked the extreme sports box.

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