I do believe at some point in time everyone will be genotyped at birth.

We believe PulseRank will replace PageRank over time for the real-time Web.

I believe that if you do all the right things, in time, you will get your opportunities.

There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. Yet that will be the beginning.

I tend to spend a lot of time building characters that the reader will believe in and sympathize with.

I'm honest, I'm fair and I'm sure, as time progresses, those who don't believe that will find it to be true.

Every time I pull somebody out of the bullpen, I believe he can do the job. I have to believe it. If he doesn't, hopefully he will do it the next time.

There is no longer time for statements like 'if only' or 'we can't.' We must and we will succeed. The only question now is how and when. I believe the time is now.

We believe that, by the time that we leave office, it will be institutionalized, and these programs will be addressing the needs and curing the problem that we set out to do.

There's every reason to believe there will be further attacks attempted against the United States. For us to spend so much time patting ourselves on the back because we got bin Laden that we miss the next attack would be a terrible tragedy.

In particularly acute cases of depression, it is recognized that no verbal or therapeutic intervention will reach the patient. The only effective remedy is to do things, even though the patient will, at that time, believe that any act is pointless and meaningless.

My hours get kinda backwards. Most of the time, we're basing out of one town, flying out, doing the show, then flying back. And it's a pace that no one would believe, really. Unless you've done it, you really can't understand what it is. And if you're not really experienced and know how to do it, you will fall.

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