A journey is time suspended.

Trail dust is thicker'n blood.

Hate would destroy him who hated.

Knowledge was meant to be shared.

No man is lost while he yet lives.

A good beginning makes a good end.

My future is one I must make myself.

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do

He who plants a tree is a servant of God.

To a fool time brings only age not wisdom.

Victory is not won in miles but in inches.

A ship does not sail with yesterday's wind.

Mountains should not be judged by altitude.

I have been nothing, but there is tomorrow.

Have faith in God but keep your powder dry.

What can the will do when the heart commands?

Much of command is the ability to take command.

Politics is the art of making civilization work.

The dancer becomes the dance. And I am the writing.

One learns to adapt to the land in which one lives.

But even the law cannot be in your bedroom at night.

It is better to fear a little. One is cautious then.

Adventure is nothing but a romantic name for trouble.

Man needs so little... yet he begins wanting so much.

He never knew when he was whipped ... So he never was.

when guns are outlawed only the outlaws will have guns.

You can't fight the desert... you have to ride with it.

Nobody got anywhere in the world by simply being content.

Nobody got anywhere in this world by simply being content.

I fear there will be no future for those who do not change.

The more one learns, the more he understands his ignorance.

If you want to be creative, go where your questions lead you.

All loose things seem to drift down to the sea, and so did I.

The only thing that never changes is that everything changes.

When a man is one of a kind, he will be lonely wherever he is.

If you wait for inspiration, you're not a writer, but a waiter.

I wonder why it is the man who pleads for mercy never gives it.

You have to turn the faucet on before the water starts to flow.

Only one who has learned much can fully appreciate his ignorance.

A body shouldn't heed what might be. He's got to do with what is.

The deep sea can be fathomed, but who knows the heart of a woman?

There are good men everywhere. I only wish they had louder voices.

To pursue a man effectively, it is best to begin with his thinking.

To disbelieve is easy; to scoff is simple; to have faith is harder.

A mountain man tries to live with the country instead of against it.

I am somebody. I am me. And I don't need anybody to make me somebody.

The saddle is a place for dreaming when there's hours of trail ahead.

Ancestry is most important to those who have done nothing themselves.

A great book begins with an idea; a great life, with a determination.

What is today accepted as truth will tomorrow prove to be only amusing.

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