My lifestyle had made me a walking time bomb.

Jerusalem is a time bomb that I fear is just waiting to go off.

I'm proud of what I've done in Jordan, but the region itself is sitting on a time bomb.

Kimi is a great driver like Fernando, but together, they could be a time bomb for Ferrari.

A star on a movie set is like a time bomb. That bomb has got to be defused so people can approach it without fear.

The Photograph is concerned with the power that the past has to interfere with the present: the time bomb in the cupboard.

By creating a generation of vulnerable people, especially children, with a poor, irregular diet, we are storing up a public health time bomb.

The starting line of the New York Marathon is kind of like a giant time bomb behind you about to go off. It is the most spectacular start in sport.

Diabetes is an all-too-personal time bomb which can go off today, tomorrow, next year, or 10 years from now - a time bomb affecting millions like me and the children here today.

If we destroy the biosphere, then mankind will die. We all waste our time worrying about stupid wars and petty jealousy and greed, and all the time, we're sitting on a time bomb.

Time Bomb encapsulates everything I have learned over the years and wished I could find in a capsule collection. It's the absolute best skincare and body products I could envisage - and I am fussy. I am now able to indulge my love of beauty products and call it research.

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