It's time for these people to have accountability for what is being done.

I don't even like to go out onto the streets sometimes because I can't get anything done. People want pictures and autographs all the time.

By the time I grew up, acting just seemed like something I'd already done. I had absolutely no interest in it, even though some people thought it would be my calling.

One of the advantages of the book's having been out there for more than a quarter century is that there's been time for people to report back on what it's done for them.

With 'Tron,' we had so many crew members around and a stage full of special effects people that know exactly what has to be done in the situations. You're on a stage in sets the whole time.

Marc Almond has done a couple of covers, a few people in Europa have done them. I own all the publishing. It's never really been addressed, as I haven't had the time to go out and tout the songs.

I left 'Containment' for the first time understanding the exhaustion some people have after they've done a really demanding emotional and physical project. I wanted a break, to be honest with you, and I needed to recover.

Some time ago, we went to Asia and took a camera along, and I began to do what I'd done even years ago doing people. I couldn't get interested in it. And I did hundreds of photographs of details of the monuments as sculpture.

I've done a lot of investigative reporting, and I've confronted a lot of people over the years, sometimes in dark, foreign places. But to do it over and over again in such a short period of time, it's emotionally and physically draining.

I learned so much in the year after Flickr was acquired. People forget, but Flickr launched in February 2004. And a year later, the deal was done with Yahoo, and we closed it in March of 2005. It was really independent for a relatively short period of time.

With Twitter, it's a little harder to tell jokes that somebody hasn't heard already. You have all these people out there sharing their opinions and telling jokes in real time, and by the time you get on, somebody's already done some version of what you're trying to do.

You've got to have charisma and other things in addition to athleticism. But I've got my background in fitness, I've done my training and put time in to develop my craft. So I can push the envelope with those seductive storylines but still show people that I can kick butt, too.

You ask every conceivable question after Sept. 11 in terms of what more could have been done, what could have been done differently. My impression from working on these cases and investigations for almost nine years was that an awful lot of people were working over time to connect dots.

I had to be clean-shaven all the time to play a Mormon missionary, so after I was done, I grew a mustache out of rebellion. It was actually very polarizing. I became attractive to a completely new group of people and also repulsive to a new group of people. The lesson: mustaches are divisive.

I was up for parts in 'Charlie's Angels' and 'Three's Company,' but other people got them. At the time I was very disappointed because I knew the shows would be tremendous hits. But if I had done either I would not have done the following: 'Chorus Line,' 'Dancin',' 'Chicago,' 'Movie Movie,' 'All That Jazz' and 'Annie.'

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