If we can enhance the experience, more people will spend more of their leisure time with us.

Each time you do a film you gain a lot of experience and build a visual resume where people get to know who you are.

I loved my time at BYU. It was an unbelievable experience with the fans, and the people that I have met, I have lifelong relationships still.

My high school experience - and I think a lot of people feel this way - was complicated and intense, and I learned a lot about female relationships during that time.

We expect people's experience with Miitomo to be a rewarding one in its own right. But at the same time, it's also a way to have them engage - or reengage - with Nintendo.

I don't know that hearing people have ever felt that experience of truly being left out. They have easy communication, while deaf people can't join in. It takes more time to communicate with us.

Meeting forensic patients for the first time could occasionally be an unnerving experience. They often came across as mild and gentle people, but the details of the crimes were harrowing in the extreme.

Ultimately, the goal is to use acquisitions to compress time on product development and get people on the team, especially in senior roles, who can help build out areas of the company they have experience in.

I don't like to do press. But I know sometimes I need to do it because every time I do there's young people - black and white, but I think about young African-Americans because that's the experience I grew up with - who hear it.

I have a hard time articulating the emotional experience of working on a film. Even when I have meetings on films or discussing them with directors, I find that's my biggest challenge. Different words mean different things to people.

I think when Fox News goes to the Megyn Kellys, the Bret Baiers, and people who don't have much experience who haven't covered campaigns, the result is sometimes you have these inane questions that come out and, frankly, waste everybody's time.

I'm always happy when people choose to get another dog because it's a healthy and healing thing to do, and there are millions of them needing homes. But there is no single time frame to do it in because grieving is an intensely personal experience.

Being on a set for the first time is in general an overwhelming experience, and coming into 'Sharp Objects' was already nerve-wracking enough with the cast - it's just such a talented group of people and it'd be kind of strange if you weren't nervous.

Our job as writers and thinkers in the time is how to bring about the occasions that let people have that first-person experience - or the metaphoric experience that allows them to see human continuity as opposed to total threat, total willingness to do violence.

Leapfrog innovation - consistent, constant, ridiculous leapfrog innovation - only happens within a dictatorship. Any time you try to do something really innovative, most people aren't going to understand it until after they experience it. So when you're developing in innovation, you have to be a dictator.

Humans metabolize their purchases very quickly, even if it seemed worth it for any number of reasons when you first bought it. After some time passes, people will go back to feeling the baseline feelings they had previously felt about themselves, no matter how shiny the object, the hair, or the experience.

I would say that engineering has been a very positive experience overall, but usually coming into the situation it would be one of being underestimated. People would actually have low expectations. But I would take advantage of it quite honestly, because I would take my time to underestimate the situation.

With 'Invisible,' I didn't want to create something that requires you to watch it more than once; I don't even expect people to watch it more than once per se. I just wanted you to have the experience and knowing that if you watch it a second time, it would be different because you would see different things.

I don't like the term 'dinner as theater,' because that implies something thespian that I don't want to tie into this, but there are plenty of times that people go out to dinner because they want to have an experience. There are, however, probably many more times that people go out to eat because it's 7 o'clock and it's time to eat.

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