Never bite off so much in your job that you can't spend a lot of time with your family.

Going home and spending time with your family and your real friends keeps you grounded.

Spend time with your family and try to spend time doing things that you enjoy doing other than basketball.

There's a bond among a kitchen staff, I think. You spend more time with your chef in the kitchen than you do with your own family.

It's important to spend some time with your family. You've got to get the right balance. If it's all darts, you'll then just burn out.

Whether you are seeing family, a dinner with your friends, or meeting new people for the first time, you should still have fun with your look!

If you have a bereavement in your family, it's a terrible, terrible thing. But, you know, time passes. It's part of the cycle. It doesn't hurt so much.

Sometimes when you are emotionally weak, you are affected, but not all the time. When you have your family to support you, it helps you to stay strong.

The husbands, who sometimes have another family who's grown, are going, Now I can spend time with my baby. Oh yeah, I bet your other family is really thrilled.

The thing about members of your family is that if you met them for the first time at a party, you might not bother to take their phone number, and yet something binds you.

Sometimes 'Frances' can be about finding the missing piece, trying to look for biological family as opposed to maybe realizing your family is whoever is around you at the time.

If one app or news site or friend gets your attention, that means something or someone else loses it. It comes out of our sleep, our time with family or our reflective time with ourselves.

I don't like technology and all that. I'm a farm boy. I would rather live in that time when you had to provide for your family. I don't know. I'm a country kid, so I don't like modern technology.

The advantage is I have my family with me all the time. When your daughter takes her first steps or says her first words and your son is going through potty training, I'm not missing any of those things.

Since I was a child, I started to ask very difficult questions; even my family was telling me all the time, 'You're a very difficult person, and we were having trouble answering your questions. Why are you asking so many questions?'

He said there is 80 of us, ready to come down and the next thing I knew is that Jo Brown dashed in and said your family has already moved and you have to move, the boat is ready to take you out. I didn't have time to ask, even ask a question.

Working long hours being single helps because your time is yours. Once you have a family your time isn't all yours anymore. Most of the Mac team, we were in our mid-20's, most of us were single, and we were able to essentially devote our lives to it.

I was tired of just kind of being on that express train, whatever you want to call it, so to speak. It just sort of shoots forward, and you have no creative autonomy, no control over your time, and there's not much time for side projects or family and friends.

I grew up in the '50s, a tough time for African Americans. I had friends whose fathers would openly say, 'Just bite your tongu;, don't cause any problems.' My father was not like that. Even in the toughest times racially, if somebody disrespected his family, they were in trouble.

I spent time in refugee camps in Southeast Asia, and in the projects of Chicago. I've been to State dinners with Presidents. I met the Queen of England on a beach in Anguilla. No one is any more valuable or important than you are. No one is more important than your family and your friends.

Every once in a while you have to go out and treat your family and friends and stuff like that. Once every two months, I'd say, is when you do that. When you do it every weekend it gets a little excessive and the people around you start feeling like you have to do that every time you go out.

You would think with me living in Los Angeles I would go to the beach all the time, but we don't. It's the same as visiting the Statue of Liberty. If you don't live in N.Y.C., it's the first stop on your family vacation, but if you live there, you only go if you have relatives visiting from out of town!

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