Each morning needs to start with a good sweat. I'm either working out at home or on set, depending on my call time.

I'll always remember when I bumped into Good Morning America's Robin Roberts on a flight to my mother's funeral in 1994, and how kind she was during that difficult time.

I trained myself out of the habit of relying on notifications to make me feel good so that I could dedicate my time to my personal two-hour meditation practice every morning.

I've got plenty of quirks. I go to an office early in the morning. Early in the morning is really good writing time. I take anywhere between six to eight showers a day. I'm not exaggerating. I'm not a germaphobe: it's all about a fresh start.

Robin Leach is a guy who, when he has the time, goes quietly to his house in Connecticut and sits looking into the fire with a good glass of red wine in his hand. And when I wake up in the morning, I wink at myself because I like me - I know who I am.

On a really good day, if I'm really trying, in the morning I'll have a piece of toast, vitamins and nuts, or a bagel with a little cream cheese. Then at lunch time, I'll get me one of those Chinese chicken salads, a glass of juice, and a big glass of water.

I had three children while doing a show, as demanding as 'Good Morning America,' so this is - you know, it's almost like I'm less daunted about motherhood, and parenting at this point in time. And I think I'm just much more fit and healthy than I was 20-years-ago.

My morning routine varies by how much time I have. In the winter, I like to take baths, but in the summer, I prefer a good shower with some soap and then maybe some moisturizer afterward. I use D.R. Harris and Geo. F. Trumper products, which we also stock at our shops in Paris and Antwerp.

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