If I'm ever having a good time, I'll write about it so I'll remember it.

Lets see, I remember the first time I went to Japan, I loved that because I was taller than everyone! I'm only 5'7' but in Japan that's good!

I remember there being a period of time when I had a baby, and I was so sleep-deprived that I'd get into having no filter, and that was not good.

I dearly remember the old days... Fleetwood Mac had this one-of-a-kind charm. They were gregarious, charming and cheeky onstage. Very cheeky. They'd have a good time.

I remember the first time I went on live TV I had to cut a promo, and I spoke about this on Lillian Garcia's podcast Chasing Glory, but I'm not very good at public speaking.

I remember there was a time when I didn't get any attention at all. There was a time when I didn't have anybody asking what was going on and what I had to overcome, so it feels good.

I do spend time trying to find good melodies, and I try to remember them when I do discover them. But also it's mostly intuitive; I noodle around with the line until it sounds and feels right.

From the time I was a small boy, I remember working in the fields with my grandfather and father. We weren't growing grapes, but we were farming crops, creating something good out of the earth.

I was still in college when 'To Kill a Mockingbird' came out in 1960. I remember it had a kind of an electrifying effect on this country; this was a time when there were a lot of good books coming out.

I feel like I missed my era, because I remember the time when black people uplifted each other and looked for the positives. I feel sorry for the people who live their lives in the negative default setting because they filter out what's good, and that's no way to live.

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