A long time ago, I stopped trying to look at projects as genre exercises.

Look for a long time at what pleases you, and a longer time at what pains you.

I broke a lot of conventions. Look, I spent a long time as an actor. I spent a lot of time playing pretty ordinary arcs.

In the past, I have approximated the look of monkey fur and yak hair with human hair because it's inexpensive, and it lasts a long time.

For a long time, since story collections look almost precisely like novels, I presumed that they were meant to be enjoyed in the same way as novels.

People have got to stop fat-shaming and writing bad stuff. I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to be around for a long time. Get over the weight thing and look at yourself.

If you look at the likes of Agnieszka Radwanska and Svetlana Kuznetsova, they've been around a long time and been successful for a long time. That speaks volumes for them.

I see it like, I've been working really hard for a long time, and I've accomplished a lot of what I've wanted to professionally. I've been really blessed, and that's all I look at.

I don't exactly fit well in leather pants, so I don't rock that look. I lost my hair a long time ago, so no hair-metal look, either. I had hair down to my belly button at one point, but I think that was the '90s.

Working in a salon, you look at trends all day long. You're looking at color all the time, what new products are coming out. You're a part of the fashion industry, especially if you're working in a higher-end salon.

It's quite different to do a vocal performance, opposed to a performance where you are seen, because in some ways, you don't need to worry about what you look like - you don't have to sit in a makeup chair for a long time!

I'd like to give people leaden boots in galleries, so they'd be a bit slower in front of my paintings. And that's because I spend so much time looking at them. I can look at them a long, long time without getting bored. I disappear.

For a long time, I would go out of my way to have a personal appearance on the verge of an insane person, because it was closer to how I felt, but I looked so dumb. So, I just stopped. It was like, 'I'm just going to look like a banker.'

And so I have studied, I have to tell you, revolutions and uprisings for a long time. They are all slightly different, but what they all look for is some kind of a mechanism to go from an authoritarian system to an open, democratic system.

I've been involved in the Conservative party for two decades. I've fought for the party. I have an unusual background - I'm not your typical Tory recruit. I've spent a long time evangelising about why people should look at the Conservative party seriously.

It takes a long time to get a reputation for quality. There are people in our industry, they're basically copiers. Look at the cars on the streets. They all look alike. But if you put quality into a product, then have it validated, you have huge credibility.

There are so many factors when you think of your own films. You think of the people you worked on it with, and somehow forget the movie. You can't forgive the movie for a long time. It takes a few years to look at it with any objectivity and forgive its flaws.

In 'Thor,' that was my own hair. I grew it out. But I have naturally curly, blonde hair, so I'll never look like that. By the time I got to 'The Avengers,' I had come off two other films, which required me to have it very short. So I dyed it again and it was long enough to use a part of my hairline.

If you start lifting weights, you will expect to put weight on, as muscle is heavier than fat. But you have to look more at your body shape - you will get heavier - but you might get smaller and heavier at the same time, which is fine. And it doesn't really matter what you weigh as long as you are happy with your shape and size!

I'm having my portrait painted, for example, so that will be then put up at Longleat and hopefully stay here for a long time. You become part of a long line that goes back and will hopefully continue. That's what you want. You just want the house to survive, and you do everything you can to maintain it, look after it and support.

The first time I went to the Planning Commission was when it was under KC Pant, a long time ago. Since then I have been back there many, many times to the point where the many people who seem to spend their lives sitting outside the various offices and even the patches of grime in the hallways and stairwells began to look familiar.

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