Some of the big movies, you get checks for a long, long time.

Movies like 'Westworld' used ideas I'd thought of a long time ago.

People would congratulate Dick for my movies. It bothered me for a long, long time.

I want to be like Tom Cruise from 'The Outsiders' and go on and do amazing movies for a long time.

I'm not saying I'm a writer, but I've been in movies for a long time, and I think I could write a script for a movie.

I haven't acted in 10 years. I always talk about being an actor, and yet I've been focusing on making movies for a long time.

I spent a long time working in the movies to figure out that kind of acting and also how to write and produce for the screen.

I like movies that don't fit in a category. Like, 'Get Out' - that was one of my favorite movies in a long time, and what is that?

If the movies that I'm going to make anyway go mainstream, that would be the coolest thing ever. But I have set up a plan that I've been working on for a long time.

I've worked on movies that are being rewritten as you go, but you take so long and so much time doing it, that it's not really an issue knowing what's going to happen or how the movie is going to end.

I don't think any studio - it was a long shot at the time - but I don't think any studio in a million years would make 'Thelma and Louise' right now. But there's so many other kinds of movies they won't make right now.

I'd like to do more TV; TV is completely different than working in movies in a lot of ways, it's like making a really compact movie. Because you don't have as much time, especially hour long shows, they move so quickly.

It took Simone a long time to understand why people want Daddy's autograph. I'd tell her, and my wife would tell her, too, 'People see Daddy in the movies, and they are excited to meet him.' But she couldn't really grasp it.

People are always like, 'Oh, 'Jurassic Park' is on...' or 'Oh, 'The River Wild' is on...' I actually haven't seen any of my movies in a long time. Being more self-aware now, and being an adult, I'm a little bit embarrassed to watch them.

That is - the use of the subjective camera is an idea that's been around in movies for a long, long time. And it's an idea that was seized on very notably by Sam Fuller and by Alfred Hitchcock in two different very kind of - otherwise very different styles of filmmaking.

When I was an actor in some movies a long time ago, I was so curious about all the camera movements - why is the camera placed here, and why does it move like this? And why the set and the background, the color? It's a lot of questions for me to ask, because I was so interested, not only in acting, but also the whole process of filmmaking.

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