Grind Hard, Shine Hard.

Grind Hard, Shine Hard.

Don't be afraid to be ambitious about your goals. Hard work never ...

Don't be afraid to be ambitious about your goals. Hard work never stops. Neither should your dreams.

I don't race cars.

I love Steve Carell.

We all love challenges.

Working out anchors my day.

My reputation precedes me now.

Ain't nothing like a good cry.

Life is anything but predictable.

It doesn't matter what you think!

Know your roll and shut your mouth!

It doesn't matter what your name is!

I do all my own stunts. I'm kidding.

Sweet cream on an ice cream sandwich!

'Be Cool' was a defining movie for me.

As we all know, sequels can be tricky.

I've never gone wrong trusting my gut.

If ya' smell what The Rock is cookin'!

I am not The Rock. I am Dwayne Johnson.

Wake up determined. Go to bed satisfied.

William Regal, what does besmirched mean?

You will go one on one with the Great One!

I'll do a musical. An ass-kickin' musical!

Wrestling was like stand-up comedy for me.

I plan on taking athletics as far as I can.

I'll be honest: I haven't ruled politics out.

Come on, you can't name a truck after a chick.

I learned a long time ago how to be coachable.

My parents weren't actors or studio executives.

I don't have a need for speed. I'm not that guy.

I would never win an award for not loving pizza.

I've always loved the idea of playing Black Adam.

If you've ever been hungry, you can never be full.

To be immortalized in a ride is a very cooI thing.

'You can't see me'? What are you playing? Peekaboo?

The successful men I admired all built their bodies.

Those who are truly brave, shall never live in fear.

I didn't want to play by what rules are in Hollywood.

I have good friends who are politicians on both sides.

Now go back to Supercuts and get your $5 back jabroni!

With drive and a bit of talent, you can move mountains.

Nutrition is so important. It can't be stressed enough.

By the time I was 23 years old, I had multiple arrests.

The single most powerful thing I can be is to be myself.

Great success breeds a lot of things, including sequels.

My goal as an actor is to grow and try different things.

As a father, safety is always a top of mind issue for me.

How families deal with loss, everyone has their own process.

All successes begin with Self-Discipline. It starts with you.

My genetic make-up is one of physicality. I'm a visceral guy.

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