Some people don't have the right surroundings to help get them through an experimental time or a tough time.

There are millions of people who do want help. I'm not going to waste my time convincing people who aren't receptive.

I do benefits. I do them all the time. There's so many people out there that needs help that I can't say I won't help them.

Some people are too prideful to go out and reach out to people to help them in that situation because it's just such a dark time.

I won't read scripts because I have a limited amount of time. Why should I help other people do lame stuff when I can just go out and put on lame stuff of my own?

Metaphorically speaking, it's easy to bump into one another on the journey from A to B and not even notice. People should take time to notice, enjoy and help each other.

People tell you you're having chemotherapy, but there are different types of chemotherapy, and you don't know which one you're going to get and how it's going to affect you. The people in the hospitals don't always have time to help you understand it.

You know what works in venture capital? A group of incredibly smart, connected people who have the financial wherewithal and risk appetite to make multi-million dollar bets on unproven ideas and inexperienced founders. People who can make decisions quickly, and who spend their time trying to help entrepreneurs make the most of that cash.

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