I enjoyed making people laugh. I discovered that I loved that power over them. On stage, I felt I could really express who I was for the first time.

It was very much a cry for democratic control at that time. Above all, breaking the accomplished power of a few people to rule the lives of everybody else.

Usually, in any revolution people are focused on who wants to have the most power. But the most important thing is the laws that are written during that time.

Well, when I was younger, I lied all the time, because once you understand the power of lying, it's really like magic because you transform reality for people.

The first time I heard the Mars Volta, I had a feeling I was experiencing something that people must have felt when they first heard Led Zeppelin. They have the same kind of power.

Time and time again, the Obama Administration has shown the American people it's willing to abuse the power of the Oval Office. Congress should absolutely not relinquish more power.

All of the information that we were getting up to that time from the NRC people, from our people who knew something about nuclear power, was that the breach of the core was not a likelihood to happen.

The Lusitania is important, of course, because this is where Germany began its maritime campaign using this brand-new weapon. We have to appreciate how the submarine, as a weapon against civilian shipping, was a particularly novel thing - so novel that many people at the time dismissed its potential power, its potential relevance.

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